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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Turin Pilgrimage Meeting

Turin Pilgrimage Meeting

Posted: Wed, 7 May 2014 08:42

Turin Pilgrimage Meeting

Getting people to go...Check

Flights booked...Check

Plan of what we're doing...Not quite!!!

On the 2nd May, volunteers from across Salesian Youth Ministry came together to meet and organise their pilgrimage activities in Turin, for August 2014.

Things began with a very exciting Race-Night - some of us took it rather seriously and it was certainly very competitive. It was a good way to get to know new faces or renew old acquaintances.

Things calmed down the next morning with another competition in the form of a quiz. We were quizzed on our knowledge of the Salesians; whether a picture was taken in Valdocco or Colle Don Bosco; how well we knew Salesian quotes and how much of the song, "Friend of the Young" we knew. Judging by some of the answers, none of us will be appearing on 'Mastermind' any time soon.

After we had rested our heads, we split off into groups to decide on the various practicalities of the pilgrimage. Groups looked into what themes the prayers would follow and what activities we might take part in outside of the scheduled events.

While Salesian Link (the media team) were finishing off their discussions and planning, the rest of the group enjoyed a treasure hunt around Bollington. Thankfully the weather was good and even involved a trip to the 'Poachers'.

People agreed that it was a brilliant weekend that was enjoyed by all and it has certainly set a great atmosphere for the pilgrimage group to carry forward to Turin.

Tags: Salesian Youth Ministry