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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Salesian Outreach Project: Working with YOUNG People

Salesian Outreach Project: Working with YOUNG People

Posted: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 15:05

Salesian Outreach Project: Working with YOUNG People

When Pat asked me to write about the UR Space project, looking back, I could hardly believe that the project has already been up and running for over 6 months!! It is incredible! Quite a journey! It has been hard work at times especially when I think back to the beginnings, but it has been worth every bit of the struggle. We have had our highs and lows but it has been a privilege to break new ground in Scotland and we have been so overwhelmed by the way we have been welcomed with open arms into the schools and parishes! It's fair to say...the project is flourishing even at this point! I believe that is because we are meeting a real need for our young people-supporting and journeying with them in their faith/life journey, something they are thirsting for!

UR space is the very first Salesian Outreach Project set up in the UK to offer Gap Year Students (18+) the opportunity to live and work alongside us as one Community in mission. Together, we offer children and young people different prayer experiences and opportunities to help them explore and deepen their faith. It is an Evangelisation project for our young people TODAY! I like to think of it as a 'mini Bretta' on the move! If you ever find yourself asking, "what is it exactly they're doing up in that new project in Scotland?" Just think of the invaluable work we did at Bretta only instead of the children and young people coming to us we go to them!

Aware of the diverse needs of young people, our programmes include a variety of methods helping them to engage in faith related experiences, e.g. media, art, music, dance, drama, games, reflection, meditation etc... So far we have had the privilege of working in over 16 secondary schools; 6 primary schools around Glasgow and Paisley; facilitating National Youth Forums in the Galloway Diocese; ran a Don Bosco Youth Event for all the 6th Year students in the schools where we have worked; supported and provided training for staff on Retreat work, joined the Catholic Youth Service Scotland team to be part of the planning team for Stirling 2014 etc. We also run 2 youth clubs weekly (Junior & Senior) on a Sunday in our neighbouring Parish, St. Mary's, Pollokshaws-which has been a great success!

We LOVE all that we are doing but one of our weekly highlights is working in John Paul Academy in Sommerston, every Wednesday. This is the only school where we have made a weekly commitment for the year. (As a school they were able to secure long term funding!) We spend the whole day at John Paul Academy working with 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th Year. We run the Salesian Spirituality Course for all the first and second year classes as well as a Sacred Space programme, offering the young people different experiences of prayer. We run a lunchtime 'drop in' club as well as a VIDES Friends Club after school! The response from staff and pupils has been incredible! It is 'home from home' for us all and I might add the 'star' of the team is 'our Esther!' She is a HIT with the young people!

The number of children, young people and staff that we have reached to date has been mind-blowing! I certainly never imagined it would grow so quickly! It's wonderful to see our Salesian Spirit fully 'alive and active...and spreading!' The UR Space project IS hope-filled and bearing much fruit! The feedback from both young people and staff is very affirming...we must be doing something right as they keep inviting us back!!

As you all know my love and passion for young people is no secret and it is a joy being at the heart of this new outreach project. It feeds right into the heart of my own Salesian vocation and lies at the very heart of our provincial vision! But, the side of the project that is truly life-giving for me is living and working with Becky and Sarah our Gap Year Students (not to mention Bernie & Esther off course)! They have been a breath of fresh air as well as challenging me to grow! They say it as it is! No pretence! Living with young people keeps me on my toes, they keep me grounded and in touch with why we do what we do as FMA! Sarah and Becky have an openness to learn, a willingness to give and a desire to grow and develop as young woman. It's inspiring! This project helps them not only to share in the mission but living in community is the place where they feel 'at home', accompanied and supported on their own faith/life journey. It is a 'gift' to watch them grow and develop right before my eyes every day! We are SO blessed by their presence!

I could go on and on and on...but I won't. They say a good story always leaves you wanting more...

So, to conclude I would like to finish with a little saying from a gorgeous card I received the other day. It said, "It only takes one bird to sing 'to awaken the dawn'...Be the first to sing!" It is with a heart FULL of praise and Thanksgiving I thank God for this 'new awakening' in the life of our Province. I have no doubt that it will continue to flourish and bring new life not only to the young people whose lives we touch but to our Province! The future looks bright!

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