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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Salesian Youth Spirituality

Salesian Youth Spirituality

Posted: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 16:08

Salesian Youth Spirituality

Spirituality is an old and richly meaningful word. It denotes the search for what lies deepest in the heart of every human person.

Spirituality is for everyone and is not the prerogative of the chosen few! This is the particular message that Francis de Sales preached to Christians of his day and the same message inspired Don Bosco. There are many expressions of Spirituality. The Salesian Way, however, does not refer to a style of Christian living which turns its back on daily life to find its place in the desert or Monastery. It is about living each day immersed in the mystery of God in our everyday situations. Jesus reveals to us that God is at the very heart of life. The Spirit of Jesus is at work within the very fibre of our humanness, our actions, our words and our daily life experiences. Spiritual women and men allow the mysterious and all-pervading presence of a living God to give meaning and purpose to their lives, their life choices and their optimism.

This conviction has helped us to recognize the gift Don Bosco left us, a spirituality of life and daily living. Encouraged by the words of John Paul II who acknowledged Don Bosco as a "master of youth spirituality" we are trying to live it with the new insights of our times in relation to God, the human person and education.

The noun "spirituality" attempts to reclaim a serious and challenging search based on the tradition of discipleship. The adjective "Salesian" distinguishes it from other ways offered within the Church. The adjective "youth" stresses the fact that it refers to young people and has the characteristics of youthfulness even when it is embraced by adults. Finally we are saying that we want the "Salesian" and "youth" aspects of our spirituality to encourage us to live the Gospel radically, a practice that has been the hallmark of so many "Salesians" from the beginning.

A new awareness of "Salesian Youth Spirituality" burgeoned in 1988 and has spread Worldwide. Many people today, including those who are young, continue to carry forward the apostolic mission which Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello have entrusted to us through living cheerfully the ordinary events of each day, a mission which has education very much at heart.

From the smallest of seeds sown so many years ago a huge tree has grown and continues to grow wherever there is an educator working with the enthusiasm of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, spreading the Kingdom among the young.

Could this spirituality be for you?

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