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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.



Posted: Thu, 17 Jan 2013

Salesian Prayer - ever ancient, ever new

Don Bosco is a Saint whose loyalty to the Pope and the Bishops of the Church is both well known and documented. The same virtue can be said about his Salesians today; some have been entrusted by the Pope with great responsibility in the Church.

Don Bosco told his Salesians to approach the celebration of the Mass in a worthy manner, attentive to the celebration itself, and always with a great spirit of devotion to the Lord and for the gifts of his Church. Yet, his approach to prayer, especially with the young, was ever creative in its style. Don Bosco wanted to appeal not only to the mind of a young person, but by a variety of means, such as various types of music, the use of drama and through expressive artwork, to speak also to the senses and fundamentally to touch the heart of every young person. In this way Don Bosco wanted to speak to the whole person about God, the Heavenly Father who had such a special love for the young.

So, Salesian prayer tries to be joyful, creative, vibrant, even youthful! It seeks to capture the imagination of the young, whilst leading them gently into a full and active participation of prayer which is meaningful, relevant and deeply personal. At the same time, this same experience of prayer holds fast to the very best of the Tradition.

The Salesians very much appreciate the great welcome and generous hospitality of all those who have been involved in making The Pilgrimage of The Relics of Don Bosco to the Metropolitan Cathedrals in Scotland, England and Wales such a memorable, prayerful and significant occasion in the life of the Church in the United Kingdom. Particular thanks are extended to each of our Bishops and Archbishops, and to the Cathedrals’ Staff for their willingness to walk with Don Bosco, and in turn to walk with the young.

In showing such a good example by treating young people in our Church with great respect, affection and understanding, and occasionally with some much needed good humour, the spiritual legacy of St John Bosco for the Church here and now is greatly honoured. Indeed, the Church is truly blessed.

Fr Martin Coyle SDB


Tags: Don Bosco Relics, Pilgrimage, Salesians of Don Bosco