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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Salesians at 'Flame

Salesians at 'Flame

Posted: Sat, 24 Mar 2012

Salesians at 'Flame

It is said in football circles that 'all roads lead to Wembley' and that was certainly true as 8500 young people and their youth leaders, teachers, catechists, Sisters, Priests and Bishops gathered in Wembley Arena on 24th March 2012 for 'Flame', a National Youth Congress organised by CYMFed (Catholic Youth Ministry Federation). And the Salesians were there in front - literally! With 550 participants we were the largest single co-ordinated group at the event and had front row seats. We had specially designed 'Salesians of Don Bosco' scarves for the occasion and so we were a very visible presence.

Young people from Savio Salesian College in Bootle

The input of the youth congress was centred around the Olympic themes of Respect, Friendship and Excellence and was a high energy mix of music, singing, dance and drama; of inspiring witness talks from Olympic and Paralympic medallists, young people and others; and moments of prayer and worship. We were challenged to accept God's love and to respond positively to God's plan for each of us, to live up to the Gospel and Olympic Values, and to 'make a difference'.

Fr Martin Coyle, Provincial, said, 'I was immensely proud to be Salesian. It was great to be surrounded by young people and those who work with them from the various branches of the Salesian Family in our schools, parishes and youth ministry network, and to share the experience with them. This was a very positive, inspiring and challenging event and I am delighted that the Salesians, in the broadest sense of that word, were present in such numbers. I thank Bob Gardner SDB, who gave CYMFed much encouragement at the beginning of the planning for this event and Sue McDonald, Salesian Youth Ministry Animator, who worked so hard to coordinate our group, and to all those who responded so positively to bring a group together.'

It is worth noting that the event was managed by a past pupil of Salesian College Battersea, Gerry Kehoe, who played a major part in organising the visit of Pope Benedict to Great Britain in 2010.

You can read more about CYMFed and the Flame Congress on their web site.

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco