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Salesian Schools Conference

Salesian Schools Conference

Posted: Sat, 1 Oct 2011

Salesian Schools Conference

This year's Conference for Salesian Schools took place in Stoke on Trent from the evening of Friday 30th September to lunchtime on Saturday 1st October 2011.

The theme of the Conference was 'Caring for our most vulnerable pupils'. About fifty took part, including head teachers, heads of year, teachers and chaplains from Savio Salesian College Bootle, Saint John Bosco College Croxteth, Thornleigh Salesian College Bolton, Salesian School Chertsey, Salesian College Farnborough and Saint John Bosco College in Wandsworth.

Fr Martin Coyle, the Salesian Provincial, and members of the Province Youth Ministry team were also present. Fr Hugh Preston, Salesian Schools' Animator, coordinated the organisation of the event.

Fr Gerry Briody giving his presentation.

The opening talk on the Friday evening was given by Mr David Wells, from the Formation Department of the diocese of Plymouth. Although he had to leave early on the Saturday morning, he left worksheets which were used to stimulate the discussions on the Saturday morning. Fr Gerry Briody SDB, Headteacher of Savio Salesian College Bootle, gave a presentation based on his visit to Salesian Schools in Australia earlier in the year.

These conferences bring together those who are keeping alive the Salesian charism in a province where few of the professed Salesians and Salesian sisters are young enough to work directly in our schools. Many of those taking part have met in this way for several years now, and there is a real family spirit among them. A recently arrived Salesian missionary, part of Project Europe, remarked that he felt he was with a group of young Salesians, committed to their faith and to the ideals of Don Bosco.

Thanks to Fr Tony Bailey for the photograph

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco