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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Easter Triduum at Brettargh Holt

Easter Triduum at Brettargh Holt

Posted: Wed, 11 May 2011 11:59

During Holy Week, Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday, around 35 young adults took part in an Easter Triduum retreat at Brettargh Holt, a retreat house, run by lay volunteers and staff and home to the Salesian sisters.

Participants arrived in time for a Passover meal in the evening, remembering the Jewish meal celebrated my Jesus and his disciples. We then continued our evening by celebrating mass, including the symbolic washing of feet. Our evening ended with a procession from the house to the chapel of repose to watch and pray with the Lord.

We started Good Friday in prayer together, and then began our preparations for the service later that afternoon. In groups we each looked at a section of the service including the liturgy of the word, the passion, veneration of the cross and one group was responsible for the stripping of the chapel. During this time each young adult was given the opportunity of receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. At 3pm we gathered together in chapel to remember the death of our Lord. The service included a dramatization of the passion, set to current chart music, a very powerfully relevant and moving experience. After the service participants took some time to personal reflection.

The group met again in the evening to walk the way of the cross, reflecting at each of the stations which were situated on a prayer hill within the grounds.

On Holy Saturday our focus was on the preparation for the Easter vigil due to take place that evening. There are nine readings included in the Vigil celebration and each group took away one or two of these to prepare in some way. As well as the readings, there was the music, the creating of the paschal candle and water service to plan. After a busy day of preparation we came together at dusk around a roaring fire to begin our celebration of the risen Christ. The readings were presented in various creative ways, including dance, drama, and music. The group presenting the parting of the red sea took the musical Stomp as inspiration, using household objects such as brushes and pans to create a rhythmic interpretation of the scripture. After the blessing of the paschal candle and an alleluia medley (17 Alleluia's!!) the Easter celebrations were in full swing. Celebrations continued after the vigil with a party into the night!

Easter Sunday morning began with an Easter egg hunt followed by mass and the retreat drew to a close over a full cooked breakfast, which was well received by all!

The whole Triduum experience was both moving and thought provoking, and also a great opportunity to spend time with friends old and new. It was great to celebrate Easter as a young catholic community.

Tags: Salesian Youth Ministry