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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

New Salesian Cooperators Centre in Cornwall

New Salesian Cooperators Centre in Cornwall

Posted: Wed, 8 Dec 2010

New Salesian Cooperators Centre in Cornwall

On 8th December, the Feast day of the Immaculate Conception, 2010, at the church of Mary Immaculate in Falmouth, a new Centre for Salesian Cooperators was launched and six new Cooperators were enrolled.

During the Mass, Paul Barnes, who along with his wife, Maria, have been cooperators for many years, formally applied for the Centre to be opened. Paul outlined how work had been ongoing for three years to the day since the idea was first muted. Subsequently written permission had been obtained from Rt Rev Bishop Christopher Budd, Bishop of Plymouth and the agreement of the Provincials of the Salesians of Don Bosco and of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Great Britain


(l to r) Paul Barnes, Wynn Young-Hares, Fr Jon Bielawski, Marylen Driver, Wendy Bown, Maria Barnes, Bohdan Kiszsczuk and Hilary Kiszczuk.


Fr Bernard Parkes SDB, the Provincial Delegate to the Cooperators in Great Britain, responded saying that the request had the unanimous approval of the Council of Salesian Cooperators and as the delegate of Fr Provincial he formally opened the Centre. He also presented Fr Martin Poulsom SDB as Delegate to the group who would guide and animate the group's spiritual and apostolic formation. Fr Bernard then presented Fr Martin the certificate that recognizes the Centre.

Paul and Maria Barnes then brought forward the following six for enrolment:

  • Fr Jon Bielawski
  • Wendy Bown
  • Marylen Driver
  • Bohdan Kiszczuk
  • Hilary Kiszczuk
  • Wynn Young-Hares

Fr Martin, who had already been working with the group for a year, presented the candidates, individually describing the apostolic work they had already been doing for young people. Fr Bernard then invited them to make their Promise to God the Father, committing themselves to live the evangelical Project of the Association of the Salesian Cooperators, ie

...to be Christ's faithful disciple in the Catholic Church; to work in your Kingdom, especially for the welfare and salvation of the young; to deepen and witness to the Salesian spirit; and to cooperate in Family communion in the apostolic initiatives of the local church.

Fr Bernard then, having received their Promise, welcomed them as Salesian Cooperators. They were presented with their copy of the PAL (Project of Apostolic Life), an individual Certificate and their badge of Don Bosco inscribed with the first three words of the Salesian motto, 'Da Mihi Animas' - 'Give me souls - take away the rest'.

The large congregation responded with applause and Mass continued with the Prayers of Intercession read by Wynn Young-Hares and the Gifts brought up by Sister Agnes McGuinness, Provincial Delegate for the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and Eleanor Neely, a visiting member of the Provincial Council.

The parish choir, with organ accompaniment and led by Ben Davis, provided the music, supported by Fr Martin, with his guitar, who sang his version of Psalm 23, 'The Shepherd's Song'; his composition 'Thanks' after Holy Communion and finally organ and guitar led the new Hymn, 'Don Bosco's Prayer' written by Fr Rudi Osanger SDB.

Following Mass, concelebrated by Fr Bernard, Fr Marin, Fr Jon and Fr Gilmour McDermott of Truro parish, refreshments were served in the parish hall, an end to a lovely and historic evening.

Meetings of the Centre will continue to alternate between Falmouth and Truro parishes, the next being in Truro on 27th January at 7.30 pm. Anybody who wants to be involved in helping our young people or enquire about our work are welcome to the meetings.

Paul Barnes
Provincial Coordinator of the Salesian Cooperators of Great Britain

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco