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Provincial Chapter 2010

Provincial Chapter 2010

Posted: Mon, 5 Apr 2010

Provincial Chapter 2010

Every three years Salesian representatives from the UK meet for a Provincial Chapter to consider the situation in the Province and plan for the future. This year the Chapter was held during the Easter Holiday (5-9 April) at Worth Abbey in West Sussex, with accommodation in the boarding section of the Benedictine school.

Some of the participants, with Fr Michael Winstanley (Provincial) and Fr Martin Coyle (Provincial Elect)

Twenty two voting members and six Salesian obervers were present for the entire Chapter, with Fr Hugh Preston as the Moderator. Young members of the Youth Advisory Team (YAT) joined the group to share their vision of opportunities and possibilities for the coming years. Representatives of other branches of the Salesian Family, Sisters, Cooperators and Past Pupils, came for the closing Mass and celebration meal.

After reports from the Provincial and leaders of the main departments there was a review of the feedback from community discussions held in the months leading up to the Chapter. Then, after time for individual reflection, the participants divided into groups to move towards practical proposals which were further debated in plenary sessions. The proposals which were finally voted upon were divided under seven headings:

  1. International Links
  2. Formation
  3. Vocations
  4. Social Communications
  5. Community
  6. New Frontiers
  7. Youth Ministry

The final proposals are submitted to the Salesian General Council in Rome for comment and approval before being incorporated into the Province Plan.

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco