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In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan… as we shiver into another year, its pages blank and ready to be written, January brings us hope and new beginnings. Perhaps a new book could inspire.

Opening of All Saints RC Primary, Bootle

Opening of All Saints RC Primary, Bootle

Posted: Fri, 4 Dec 2009

Opening of All Saints RC Primary, Bootle

The new Bootle super school, All Saints RC Primary based in the Salesian parish of St James, was officially opened on Friday 4th December 2009 by Bishop Tom Williams, auxiliary of Liverpool, and our local MP, Mr Joe Benton, who is also a governor of Savio Salesian College. The school offers a state of the art educational and community facility that is open from 7.30am to late at night and is only closed for two weeks in the year! As a Salesian parish we are delighted that the school is sited opposite our beautiful parish church of St James and see it as an intrinsic part of our Salesian mission here in Bootle. The new school shows our parish vision statement at work: with Christ and the Church, building the future, in Bootle, on firm foundations.

Fr O'Shaughnessy unveils the Unity art project with the help of Headteacher, Mr M Sherry

As the photographs show, we were able to unveil new art works, especially our community art project on the theme of Unity that greets visitors as they enter the site; local artists worked with our parish school and the local county school at Thomas Grey to give a visible expression of community cohesion at work. We also revealed Fr Albert Carette's wonderful All Saints Icon that is in the entrance lobby: St John Bosco is surrounded by the patron saints of the three previous schools, St James, St Joan of Arc and St Winefride and St Richard.

As a Salesian parish we are delighted that our children have such a wonderful facility in both the school and associated Children's Centre that can offer so much to many parishioners in terms of practical support and help. We are also rightly proud of our parish secondary provision at Savio Salesian College, the subject of a recent very successful OFSTED inspection; Fr Gerry Briody sdb and the staff of Savio offer a first class education to our children in the context of Salesian loving kindness. Both schools have raised the bar in terms of teaching and learning in our area. They expect, and get, the very best from students, as official examination results show. We hope and pray that this positive association with a Salesian style of education with continue in Bootle, especially in these uncertain times; we have two wonderful schools that offer the very best to a range of children.

We were also delighted to welcome back our former PP, Fr Michael Hynes SDB and Fr Mervyn Williams SDB, a member of the Bootle Project Team and who represented the Provincial and his Council. Many friends came from far and near to make this a really special day for both school and parish; we were especially delighted to welcome Liverpool FC soccer sensation, Jamie Carragher, a loyal old boy who came with his family. We also welcomed a group of staff and children from our partner school, Bashu in Choncheng, China; we believe strongly in allowing our children to have a variety of educational experiences and have found our international links especially important. In October a group of staff and children travelled from Bootle to Choncheng to spend a week in a Chinese school; our parish team leader and Chair of Governors, Fr Gerry O'Shaughnessy SDB spent part of his recent English Speaking Union Scholarship working with our partner school at San Carlos, Monterrey, California. February 2010 will see a group of staff visiting our partners at St Raphael School in Freetown, Sierra Leone, while June sees our school choir performing at a Music Festival in Hungary.

On behalf of the parish we need to thank Fr Tom Williams SDB and the entire Salesian Community here in Bootle for their positive witness and for remaining true to the ideals of St John Bosco. As these photographs show we have a wonderful asset here in the parish that has been brought about by the vision and determination of the Salesian family... Please come and visit us! As we say here, All are welcome.

Thanks to Bob Jones, Chair of St James' Parish Pastoral Council, for the report and photographs.

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco