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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Eurizon 2008

Eurizon 2008

Posted: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 11:59

Eurizon 2008

When I first agreed to go to Eurizon I felt very apprehensive. It had been over two years since my last Salesian encounter. Was I too old? Was I out of touch with other young people who go on these trips? Had I been so caught up with work and the hectic London life I lead to go away on a trip like this? Well all my fears and doubts were answered as soon as we arrived. The atmosphere was amazing. No one was scared to speak with you, to find out where you are from, to hear about what you do, your hobbies, your skills and everything else. So as our relationships grew from the very first moments of arrival a great introduction evening and socialising set the rest of the week up nicely.

As the week progressed we were separated into groups for our morning groups to explore the themes which we had each day. Then there would be an activity for us to do. A touching day trip to Auschwitz, a thrilling day at a water park, a fun day of dancing with an instructor, brilliant games in the city of Krakow - but my personal favourite, a trip into a valley with orienteering through woods and hills and activities such as rock climbing, abseiling and also a huge zip line from the top of the valley down into it. This day was beautiful and picturesque with stunning views, it was a great way for us to get out of the city and into the amazing countryside of Poland.

Amongst all the fun there was still time for reflection and meditation every evening which gave a sense of balance to the hectic week. This also followed by lots of socialising in the evening where I was more than happy to be taught as much Polish as my un-bilingual tongue could take.

Overall this was the best trip I have had with the Salesians and has reminded me how fun and rewarding trips like this can be.

I have one thing left to say; Polska jest piękna (Poland is beautiful)!

Tags: Salesian Youth Ministry