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Donation for Liberia

Donation for Liberia

Posted: Wed, 19 Dec 2007

Donation for Liberia

At the June meeting of the Runnymede Circle of the Catenian Association, Fr Joseph Brown SDB was presented with a cheque for 844. This represented half of the amount raised during the year for the President's Charity.

Fr Brown (centre) with Mr Ted Franke (President for 2007-2008) to his right, and other Catenians.

The President during 2005-2006 was Mr Jim O'Gorman who was Head of History at Salesian School Chertsey for many years and will retire in July as Head of Psychology. The other half of the amount will be presented to Salesian School in September to help fund Sixth Form students to engage in the work of VIDES.

Having enjoyed a meal with the Circle, Fr Brown spoke eloquently about the work of the Salesians in Liberia in general and the contribution of Sean Devereux in particular. He referred to Sean's untiring work together with his fearlessness in speaking out against corrupt practices in Liberia and Somalia. All the Catenian Brothers present found Fr Brown's account moving. One Brother, Peter Vermeulen, was so impressed by the contribution of the Salesians in Liberia that he wrote a cheque for 158, ensuring that Fr Brown left Chertsey with the round figure of 1,000.

Runymede Circle has strong connections with the Salesian School Chertsey: three Brothers teach in the school while several Brothers sent their children to the school including Bro. Vermeulen whose children, and later on grandchildren, were educated there.

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco