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Two events in Catholic Education

Two events in Catholic Education

Posted: Tue, 5 Jun 2007

Two events in Catholic Education

Professor Gerald Grace hosted the launch of a book entitled Can There Be a Catholic Curriculum? at the Institute of Education in London on 5 June 2007. Professor Grace, who led a Salesian Inservice weekend on the significance of mission statements, is the Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Catholic Education based at the Institute.

Archbishop Vincent Nichols gave the keynote speech at the address during which he recorded publicly the appreciation of the Hierarchy to those who supported the work of Professor Grace's Centre, including the Salesians. Archbishop Nichols then went on to sketch some wider considerations about education, particularly in schools, and the fundamental purposes of that enterprise. He suggested that

"Catholic approaches to education hold dearly to an understanding of a school as a centre of teaching and learning in the fullest sense. Then, in a deeply connected fashion, they also hold to the vision of a school as a moral community."

The Archbishop was particularly keen to emphasise the role of school in the promotion of moral values, insisting that unless a school can give a coherent account of the moral vision which shapes its life, which it therefore proposes as a basis for adult life, then it is not truly able to fulfil its educational tasks, and certainly not in the realm of citizenship education.

The Right Honourable John Battle, MP for Leeds West, then responded to Archbishop Nichols, articulating the challenges of signposting and shaping moral values encountered in a culturally diverse constituency.

Lecturers from St Mary's University College, Archbishop Nichols, Professor Grace, Mr Battle MP, and Mr Lydon

On the following day, 6 June, The Right Honourable Geraldine Smith MP hosted a Parliamentary Reception in the Strangers' Dining Room of the House of Commons to celebrate the success of Catholic education. Representatives from all sectors were invited by the Catholic Education Service including headteachers, governors and executive members of organisations such as the Catholic Association of Teachers, Schools and Colleges. (CATSC). Several Members of Parliament were also present including Mr Joe Benton, MP for Bootle who is a member of the Governing Body of Savio High School, Bootle and Baroness Morris of Bolton. Ms Oona Stannard, Chief Executive of the Catholic Education Service, welcomed everyone to the reception and Archbishop Nichols again gave the keynote address. In setting the context for the celebration, the Archbishop said

"It is right that we should be here in this House, symbolic of so much that is best about our public and political life. The Catholic Church is an important partner with public authorities in the provision of education for the children and young people of England and Wales and our presence here recognises and celebrates this fact."

The rest of his address together with that of Ms Stannard can be found on the website of the Catholic Education Service.

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco