Br Thomas Caulfield SDB
6th May 2008
Tom was from Great Harwood, Blackburn and was a life-long supporter of Blackburn Rovers. He entered the novitiate in Beckford in 1938 and made his final profession there in 1943. The report on his application to enter the novitiate stated: 'This candidate has been remarkable for his piety and regularity'.
He taught in Blaisdon from 1944 to 1994, apart from a four year stint in South Africa. Tom was a great Salesian, a community man, deeply committed to his vocation, quietly spiritual, never a doubt about the priority of his faith. Tom was always willing to lend a hand, to go the extra mile. Tom had a fascinating way of disagreeing with you. He would begin with sincere praise. 'That's good, very good'. Then you knew to wait for the inevitable 'but' - 'But if I were doing it, I wouldn't do it that way'.
Tom was a brilliant craftsman, indeed a perfectionist who could never tolerate mediocrity. Yet his Blaisdon pupils were loud in praise of his patience with them and his understanding of their limitations, while quietly insisting on the right way to do things. Many of our communities have reason to be grateful to Tom for well turned-out pieces of furniture for the chapel or dining room. His furniture is everywhere, singing his praises.
In Blaisdon, in the 1950s dry-rot was discovered in one of the ceiling hammer-beams over the main staircase, experts were called in and quoted astronomical figures for the repair. Tom found a Blaisdon oak, cut it, carved it, matched it to the healthy beams and replaced the rotted beam with the help of some Blaisdon boys. Twenty years later, it was found to be in perfect condition.
Shortly after his death a Blaisdon past-pupil emailed from Brisbane to say Tom was a wonderful teacher and a real gentleman, with boundless patience. . ... 'a humble, holy, wonderful man'. Another from New Zealand called him 'one of the great influences on my life'.
Even when he was well over eighty years of age, Tom insisted on preparing the evening snacks for the community in St Joseph's at the weekends. In his last weeks of illness Tom was particularly grateful for all the help he received, full of praise for those who cared for him in St Joseph's, and the nursing staff and doctors at the Bolton Hospital. The evening before he died, when he had received Communion, he was content. He was ready to meet his Maker.
May he rest in peace.
Fr Tony Bailey SDB
Fr John Corcoran SDB
3rd February 2008
Fr John Corcoran was born in Blackburn on 26th February 1913. His family moved to Leigh when he was four years old. He was one of the first pupils at the newly opened Thornleigh Salesian College, entering on 14th September 1925. When his school days were over he was accepted for the novitiate and made his first profession at Cowley Oxford on the 13th September 1930. After a first year of philosophical studies at Cowley he travelled to Rome where he gained his PhL at the Gregorian University. He spent the four years of his practical training from 1934 to 1938 teaching philosophy to young Salesians at Cowley. After two years of theology in Rome he returned to England to complete his studies. He was ordained in Blaisdon on 19th July 1942.
After his ordination John continued teaching philosophy, a role he fulfilled with great diligence and commitment for the next 13 years. From 1955 till 1980 he exchanged the lecture room for the classroom, working and ministering as a teacher at our Salesian schools at Bolton, Chertsey, Bootle and Shrigley. In 1980 he moved into more specific pastoral work, as the parish priest of St Gregory's parish, Bollington. In 1987 he moved to Cowley where he took on the role of an RAF and later an army chaplain at Abingdon. Even when it was time to give up his army chaplaincy in 1999 John was not one for retiring altogether. For a year he was chaplain to the Salesian Sisters at Cowley. In 2000 he moved to Farnborough where in his retirement he became chaplain to the Sisters at Lafosse, a role he fulfilled until a few weeks before his death on 3rd February 2008.
Looking back over Fr John's 65 years of priestly ministry, one can't but be struck by its variety and diversity and by John's amazing adaptability. He was a man of wide learning who even in his nineties was still devouring books on all sorts of subjects and still corresponding with friends in German and other languages; and wherever he found himself he took his wisdom and his balanced judgement with him.
Whenever John was asked to move to by the Provincial, he did so willingly and uncomplainingly and those same Salesian qualities also characterised the daily living out of his Salesian life. And wherever he went he brought his deep commitment to his priestly ministry and his great love of people with him; and such was his kindness and concern, his serenity and his gentle sense of humour that people of all ages, young and old, took him to their hearts.
May he rest in peace!
Fr Patrick McGrath SDB
8th November 2007
Picture Fr Pat passing before you on his way down the street. Black overcoat, green pullover, cap in place, brown bag in hand, slightly bent but striding forward determinedly into the breeze: a man on a mission to someone, somewhere.
Now picture, if you can, the Lord Jesus, seeing the crowds before him, climbing the hill, looking into the eyes of expectant, excited, people - all hungry for good news.
Every day, Fr Pat, a faithful disciple, would join Jesus his Lord and Master on the hill of the beatitudes and following the gaze of the Lord, would look into the eyes of those in need. This man on a mission in his flat cap and black coat was on his way to seek out those who were: hungry for encouragement, a kind word, a cheerful greeting. And he found them on the school yard, in the staff room, on the street, in the care home, on the hospital ward. And each in their own way came to know the Lord's blessing through the presence of a kindly, gentle, son of Don Bosco.
That brown bag, frequently misplaced, often repaired, carried many things over the years:
• a well thumbed breviary certainly, but then some stranger items too
• a rolled up Connacht Tribune, already third-hand, on the way to someone new
• a battered tin box rattling with loose change and football tickets
• an exercise book purloined many years before from the classroom, listing raffle tickets bought and sold, and
• a few dog-eared sheets of paper - precious homily notes for the Sunday mass.
And when the bag was left behind, somewhere, St Anthony was usually the one recruited to reunited it with the owner; that and, of course, his keys!
Patrick Joseph McGrath was considered to be a late vocation when he became a Salesian novice in Beckford, near Gloucester at the age of 18 just as war with Nazi Germany was about to be declared.
Before then home was the family farm in Ballyskea, County Galway, as one of twelve children, nine brothers and three sisters. It was a hard but very happy childhood. I never heard Pat speak of his twin brother Jack. Perhaps Jack's death the day before their 46th birthday was one of the painful moments too difficult to share.
The rigours of such a populated family life must have been ideal preparation for the Community life of the Salesians. Patrick loved the companionship although the superiors couldn't easily see beyond the apparent simplicity and the determination not to take things too seriously.
Pat would often recall his extended time of teaching - his practical training before ordination, when the superiors made him continue working in school while his companions went on to complete their theology. When requesting on one occasion, to study in France like Bro Michael Lindsay (because French would be useful for the classroom later), he was told by one Provincial, 'You, you're not in the same league as Brother Lindsay.' The remark was as ever shrugged off, but perhaps never completely healed.
The misplaced religious detachment of the time meant that when John McGrath senior was dying Pat was not allowed to travel home before it was too late. When, many years later, Pat's mother neared the end, he made sure he left for Galway in good time simply telling the head master he would not be in school on Monday.
Pat loved the classroom in those early years in Shrigley, Palleskenry, Burwash, Bolton and Blaisdon, and all the assisting of the boys from first thing in the morning till last thing at night when his own study would have to be fitted in.
His ordination to the priesthood finally came in 1952 although he always claimed the big achievement was being admitted to the sub-deaconate a few months earlier!
The years that followed back at Blaisdon then Cowley (where he would teach a future Provincial & Vice Provincial) led to a year at Chertsey studying for the teacher's certificate. But it was in 1959 that Fr Hall sent him to Salesian College Battersea where he became a form tutor and head of the history department.
St Paul tells us that our earthly dwelling can be likened to a tent which is eventually folded up. Well, Fr Pat's tent in Battersea was held down by some mighty big pegs because his stay here was to last for nearly five decades. It is the period that those of us gathered here today remember the most - the time described by countless stories and personal reminiscences.
We may think that target setting in education is a new phenomenon. However at a meeting of teachers from the (old} ILEA participants were asked by the advisor to state their aims and objectives for the students in their charge. Fr Pat responded promptly by stating that it was his wish that they should all get to heaven!
Pat was a devoted teacher. He was keen to see his students do well, always encouraging at least something even out of the most underachieving of pupils. The department's text books were not exactly up-to-date or the resources cutting edge but the boys learnt a lot about the Tudors and Stuarts and in his enthusiasm for his subject their teacher could sum up a span of 400 years with the statement: 'During that time there were many battles'.
He invigilated exams with a nod and a smile when he knew the topics he hoped for had come up. Trouble makers were never labelled but misbehaviour in the classroom could result in a name being entered in the little black book or a punishment such as: '250 words - comparing the political theory of Julius Caesar with that of Margaret Thatcher'. To be handed in by 3.30.
Pat had always been good at sport so he took teams for soccer and hockey (or was it hurling!?) He was great at tennis too. But many will simply remember him for his presence in the yard before school and at lunchtime: showing interest, giving an encouraging word, adopting an air of mock seriousness while telling an awful joke.
In total Fr Pat was to teach at the Salesian College for 27 years. But in 1986 came his retirement from the classroom at the age of 65 and the question - What next? At this point Fr McGrath and Fr James Conway travelled to Dublin's Marianella Pastoral Centre for a three month course of updating and renewal. He was then asked by Fr Michael to help out in the parish of St Gregory in Bollington. Being North of Watford the problem was, of course, snow. You would think, listening to Pat that snow was on the ground in the North most of the year round. In bed he apparently needed nine blankets and an overcoat on top to keep out the cold but he still had a frozen nose. He was rescued by the need to return to London for Fr Thoburn's funeral, never to return.
In September 1987 Pat joined the newly formed Parish Team with Fr Dennis and myself and with it began one of the most pastorally fruitful periods of his priestly life. There had always been the Sunday supply work to local parishes and the friendships that had naturally developed with the local people but now he was taking turns presiding at Mass and engaged in the whole spectrum of parish life. Our area system meant that he would deal with whatever arose in his patch and he had particular responsibility for marriage preparation.
We were making efforts to establish a greater sense of parish identity but Pat's vision was always one of the whole Salesian Mission. It was never particularly articulated, simply lived out in practical ways. Lunchtime would see him back on the yard of Salesian College and in the staff room. He would always try to keep contact with the past pupils. the young pioneers would continue to meet monthly in the parish house. But then there was the freedom during the day to visit the sick with Holy Communion or drop in for a cuppa to families he knew. The primary school was on the doorstep and he took very seriously his regular pastoral visits to the Salesian Sisters always arriving at the most appropriate moments like 3 o'clock on Christmas afternoon. And then there was the role of chaplain and spiritual guide of St Stephen altar servers enrolling amazing numbers every year on 26th December.
Since his Confirmation - probably at the age of about nine - Pat had been a member of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Pioneers in the parish have always been very apostolic with events like the senior citizens Christmas Party. I'm not quite sure how his Pioneer commitment fitted in with collecting bottles for the Christmas Fayre or the liquor he kept under his bed as raffle prizes, but he was certainly a faithful member - reminding us that sherry trifle didn't count because it was food! This was obviously 'the banquet of rich food and fine strained wines' promised in scripture.
And yes, there were his own culinary skills, honed two or three times a week by the preparation of the evening meal. Work would begin at least one hour in advance the general principal being 'give it plenty of the fire'. Thus chicken would be served with peas, potatoes and hot lettuce with an occasional alternative of lasagne with chips and peas or meat pie with potato and peas, followed by apple pie - mercifully without peas! And then a cup of stirred four to the right and three to the left, or was it the other way round?
On two occasions we had to move house in Orbel Street which involved transporting his precious collection of books and the steel cabinet acquired from the Geography Department to house them. I have an image of this cabinet half way up the stairs Pat at the top and Graham heaving below. Graham's back has never been the same since!
Fund raising activities at Sacred Heart always included Fr Pat's sponsored walk which was allegedly twelve miles along the banks of the Thames and took in both Catholic Cathedrals.
There were other more doubtful financial activities involving horses. Pat was a good judge of form but in the Grand National sweepstake, runners and riders often bore little resemblance to horses that actually took part in the race. Afterwards there would be the inevitable stewards' enquiry followed by a meeting of the committee in secret. Eventually a hand-written decision was posted on the community notice board (usually quoting rule 48) and a payout of a fiver if you were lucky.
Not noted for his attendance at ecumenical meetings Pat joined the campaign to save George Potter House with Canon Peter Clarke and their picture together made it to the local paper.
The parish travelled on Pilgrimage to Lourdes on five occasions with Fr Pat as chaplain and to Rome - his first time ever, and then in his Jubilee Year with Fr Albert to the heart of the Salesian World - Don Bosco's Turin. It must have been a reflective moment for him to see where it all began. We aren't used to thinking of Fr Pat as a particularly reflective person. To us he has always been the doer and, to be honest, he was never very comfortable with ambiguities and things that were not clear cut black or white. The humour was often a cover to avoid confrontation and certainly a useful tool for winding up the confrere. Pat was one of those members of the community who would toss in a few controversial words and then quietly withdraw leaving the rest fighting it out.
I say he wasn't naturally a reflective person but he was a deeply prayerful man. His room was a private place, you wouldn't easily gain entry. It was certainly chaotic but amidst the piles of newspapers, papers and books he would sit with his breviary and rosary, no doubt occasionally nodding off. Then you would hear the radio tuner searching through the hiss and crackle for the results from Athlone or West Brom.
Saying Mass was always a very serious part of the daily schedule. And there in, I think, we touch the essence of the man. Totally committed to his Salesian priesthood, on fire with a faith first formed on Celtic shores.
Don Bosco's mother, Mamma Margaret, told her son, 'You are a priest, you say mass and from here on you will be close to Jesus. Remember, however, that to begin to say mass, means to begin to suffer. You will not notice immediately, but little by little you will see that your mother has told the truth'.
I am sure that over his 67 years of Salesian and priestly life Fr Pat's unity with the Lord has brought about a transformation in many hidden, inner ways we would find hard to imagine. 'Unless a grain of wheat shall fall upon the ground and die it remains but a single grain with no life' - but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest. The fruit of Fr Pat's service in union with the Lord is seen in the many, many, people who have been blessed by his ministry those who have been helped to live life to the full and die well.
In recent years, at Salesian funerals, Pat and I would wander round the gravestones together and remember with affection all those who had gone before. He was always so grateful for his Salesian Vocation and from his hospital bed expressed to Fr Michael and others his thanks for all he had received from his Salesian life. He had no regrets except perhaps, not starting earlier!
My abiding memory and yours I'm sure, is his smile and the kindly welcome at every meeting. On arriving at Orbel Street for my second stint in the Parish - August '94, Pat answered the door clutching Fr McPake's Commentary on the rule - the Project of Life - his pristine copy was, I'm sure, used to prop up the bed, but we laughed out loud and that's just how it was - much of the time. We all loved him a lot.
One theory, often put forward, is that if you run the first I00 yards you will always be on time for the 239 bus - only walk and you will see it pass you by. Fr Pat did the run - he didn't let life pass him by. He glimpsed the reward that was promised and in God's mercy we can almost hear the Lord welcoming him joyfully home.
I think Fr Pat always saw himself as merely a small cog in a much bigger concern. Even now he is probably slightly embarrassed at being the centre of the Lord's attention. But 'the things once invisible are now visible. What was hidden is now revealed in glory'. 'Patrick, enter into the joy of your Lord!'
Fr Peter Brealey SDB
Fr Hugh Douglas SDB
10th June 2007
Hughie was born in Bolton and attended Thornleigh Salesian College; he was professed as a Salesian in 1937 and ordained in 1947. He began his teaching as a Brother in Chertsey, and then spent two years teaching in Burwash in Sussex. He managed to obtain a degree during his teaching years; Geography was his lasting love, he was a fellow of the Royal Society of Geographers.
Hughie was a priest who taught in schools for more years than most Salesians. A man who for 17 years cycled, each morning before school, over Battersea Bridge, to say Mass for the Spanish Sisters in Rowland Gardens, would come back to school and check his rainfall gauge before going to teach.
One of his pupils at Battersea in the 50s, wrote,
We grieve for him, but give deep thanks for the life of a 'true Christian gentleman' (a tribute I received today from one of the class '54) He was a popular and well-regarded Salesian, held in great affection by many.
Hugh's life is clearly divided into teaching, serving, and suffering. He taught for over 40 years, served the Thornleigh community, as bursar, for 17 years and suffered retirement for 5 years. Hughie was always justifiably most proud of his long years of teaching, real Salesian work for which the province is most appreciative.
I think his 17 years serving his community, as bursar, were a tribute to him. The sad time for Hughie came when he had to accept retirement from being bursar. While many people look forward to retirement, he dreaded the thought of it. It is tempting to gloss over these last few years, but I feel we need to recognise them, for in a strange way for him they were very significant in his life. Hughie's life had been defined by activity, by his job. He now had to enter into a phase of passivity.
This last phase of waiting or suffering is no reflection on the quality of care he received both in St Joseph's and towards the end in the Willows Nursing Home. We all know how wonderfully well he was looked after. We easily recognise our role as fellow workers with God, perhaps this understanding of our role needs to be balanced by the perception of our role as fellow sufferers with God. Christ's passion set the pattern. I feel that Hughie's last lesson for us is to recognise this role in our lives.
I would like to conclude with a reflection, which Fr Carette made, "I have the happiest of memories of bringing Hughie Holy Communion just a fortnight ago. As always, we would say, How are you? He would give that distinctive loud reply. I'm fine! I'm absolutely fine! Of course, he was not fine but he was courteous enough not to show his pain, not to inflict his pain on us."
So, when Hughie pushed open the half-closed door of eternity and said: 'Dad, here I am, I'm home'! I am sure the Lord himself said, 'Hughie, now you are fine! Absolutely fine! Come along now and enjoy that place I have prepared for you'.
Fr Tony Bailey SDB
Fr James Gibbons SDB
9th May 2007
Fr James Gibbons was born in Darlington on 4th March 1930. His father, a doctor, died the year after he was born and he and his older sister were brought up by their mother. James began his secondary studies at the Xaverian College in Mayfield, Sussex. However his desire to become a Salesian priest led him to transfer to the Salesian Missionary College, Shrigley Park, in September 1944. In 1948 he began his novitiate in Beckford where he made his first profession on 8th September 1949.
James completed his three years' study of philosophy at Shrigley between 1949 and 1952. He spent the next three years as a teacher and assistant at Bolton during which time he was also studying for his BA Honours in Geography. Having obtained his degree in the summer of 1955, he moved to Battersea where he spent another year as a teacher and assistant. In 1956 he began his theological studies at Melchet Court. He was ordained a priest on 3rd July 1960. He spent the year after his ordination teaching at Battersea. In the summer of 1961 he moved to Shrigley where he spent the next seven years, the last two as headmaster. After two years on the staff of Thornleigh Salesian College, Bolton, between 1968 and 1970, James moved in the summer of 1970 to Chertsey where he was to spend the next 22 years.
In his panegyric for Fr James, Fr John Gilheney described the situation at Chertsey when James arrived there. "In 1970 great development was at the planning stage in our Salesian school in Chertsey. Our school, as was the Salesian Sisters' school, was in the throes of changing from a single sex grammar school to a mixed comprehensive school. This was an untried venture for Salesian schools at the time. And because the need was there James came to Chertsey."
James settled in very quickly. His halcyon years were as Head of the Intake Year. In the early 1980s Salesian School, Chertsey became completely co-educational. James like many of the staff was unaccustomed to teaching and looking after girls but he made the transition very easily. He was a like a pied piper leading his youngsters. To say that he was fond of football would be an understatement. He helped organise a whole string of teams and organised several football trips to Canada.
In 1992 James retired from teaching and travelled to the USA for a richly deserved sabbatical year at the Salesian study centre in Berkeley, California. Returning to the UK James became assistant chaplain at the Thornleigh Salesian College, Bolton. In 1994 James suffered his first stroke. This sapped his energy and his self-confidence and he retired to the community for elderly Salesians in Farnborough. James was always rather shy and rather inward looking and his illness left feeling isolated and insecure. His final years were a struggle. After a short period in hospital James died peacefully on the 9th May 2007.
May he rest in peace!
Fr James Pilling SDB
8th May 2007
Fr James Pilling was born at Stacksteads, near Bacup, Lancashire on 2ih May 1925. He grew up in a good Catholic home. The provincial files contain a letter written in March 1938 by the 13 year old James to the Rector of the Salesian Missionary College, Shrigley Park, in which he expressed the wish to become a Salesian.
James started his studies at Shrigley in September 1938. In August 1942 he began his year of novitiate at Beckford. He made his first profession on 31st August 1943 and after two years of philosophical studies at Shrigley James went to the Salesian School at Burwash for his three year period of practical training. He began his theological studies at Shrigley in 1948 and continued these studies first at Blaisdon and then at Beckford where he was ordained priest on 20th July 1952. The observations of the House Council of the Beckford community on James' application for admission to the priesthood are worth noting: "A student of good ability; an observant and good religious. He has given satisfaction in every way."
For the first 13 years of his priesthood James was based at the provincial Office in Battersea. He was secretary to the Provincial. It was during this period that James had trouble with his spine and he was immobilised in hospital for several months. Some time after his discharge from hospital James took the imaginative step of qualifying as a psychiatric social worker at the London School of Economics. After qualifying, James moved, in the summer of 1967, to the special school run by the Salesians at Blaisdon Hall, Gloucestershire. Blaisdon was to be his home for 27 years till the school closed in 1994. James had to carve out a role for himself which had not existed in the school before his arrival. He introduced a new level of care for the children and a new level of support for the staff - both the teaching and care staff. For this reason he is remembered with great affection by many of the staff and past pupils of Blaisdon. One day each week he worked at the Child Guidance Clinic in Gloucester - his way of keeping a balance and ensuring he received the support he needed.
When Blaisdon closed James joined the Battersea community. He had a richly deserved sabbatical year which he spent in Dublin and Jerusalem. Back in Battersea James became a valued member of the province's Elderly and Child Protection teams. He also studied Hebrew at Heythrop College.
Diabetes, a couple of minor strokes and increasing difficulties with his vision gradually took their toll and in 2004 James moved to Farnborough to join the elderly community there. James' mind remained clear and he continued to play an important role in the community until his death on 8th May 2007. Fr Tom Swanzey's comment in a reference he wrote for James in the mid 1970's sum up the man well: "His ready intelligence, his natural practical ability, his warm hearted sociability, and his almost natural sympathy with those troubled in mind lead me to think that he would make a great success of the course [in Applied Social Studies] you offer."
May he rest in peace!
Fr Edward O’Shea SDB
12th January 2007
There is a strong consoling ring in the words of the Book of Ecclesiastes where it tells us: 'There is a time for every matter under heaven; a time to be born, a time to die ... "
For Fr Eddie O'Shea, his time to die was on January 12th at 12.25pm. He passed away most peacefully at Frimley Park Hospital, with one of his Confreres at his bedside, one who was thanking God for giving Fr Eddie such a gentle transition to be with his Maker.
Fr Eddie's time to be born was on 22nd October 1922, in Strabane, County Tyrone, as the third child in his family, having two brothers and two sisters. His extended family would become very numerous and Fr Eddie, could and did, boast of being eventually one of forty-three grandchildren; his confreres would often groan with affectionate yawns when frequently one of his numerous cousins or nieces and nephews was 'name-dropped'!
This family life was always indeed a priceless gift and no doubt contributed richly to the warmth and generosity of Fr Eddie's character. In return, as his niece Mary Devine so beautifully informed us, her uncle always maintained a very strong and unifying bond with his loved ones and managed frequently to be their 'Domestic Chaplain'.
At Fr Eddie's Funeral Mass, the packed, sun-bright, parish church provided a fitting ambience for a Service of both gratitude to God and celebration by his many friends, for someone whom Fr Michael Winstanley, the Provincial, in his Homily called "a presence of care and concern, a presence rich in creativity, originality and generous service, and a presence of warmth, gentle realism and humour."
That 'presence' in the Salesian family, reduced to its barest outlines, began as a boy with his journey to Shrigley Park in the early 1930's, then to the novitiate in Beckford, Glos. in 1939. He made his final vows in 1946 and was ordained a Salesian priest in July 1950. He spent 17 years in the Community and school at Battersea, then was appointed to Chertsey as Headmaster for ten years before ill-health took him to Farnborough in 1977. During the subsequent 30 years he not only spent years as a very active Staff member, but at the age of 69 accepted a term of office as Rector.
Such is indeed a very brief outline of Fr Eddie's life as a Salesian and priest but so many of those who were fortunate to know him and share his life of Salesian activities can each add their happy and indeed valuable recollections of what one of those friends called 'a very special man'.
In addition to the inspiring message of the Homily at Fr Eddie's funeral, and the loving family tribute already mentioned, there was also a wonderful account of many of the outstanding qualities and achievements of this undemonstrative but so productive Salesian, given by Mr Bill Stanton, the Deputy Head of Salesian College who had known him for over 30 years.
There is only the space to mention a few of many such contributions that Fr Eddie made to the Schools of Battersea, Chertsey and Farnborough but they at least give a glimpse of the 'added value' his presence provided.
First and foremost of these must be his very presence and popularity which was translated into quality time for those with whom he taught or worked. He could organise or take part in games, arrange school trips for home or abroad and always did so with a genial and humorous touch. He was the pioneer, when at Battersea, of the Inter-Salesian Schools annual athletics meetings which still continue, and also of school skiing trips: at Farnborough he began the annual boys golf competitions as well as a Friday night boys club and in general his career, or better, his life, in schools bring words such as 'inventive', 'animating', 'entertaining' and 'life-enhancing' to mind.
All of this was for him a natural consequence of his being a true son of St John Bosco, and all these activities were in their way sanctified. In addition the spiritual aspects were well respected whether by ensuring Mass, however difficult, on overseas trips or by having a simple form of night prayers after the Friday Night Club.
Mention of this last example brings to mind Fr Eddie's ever present and often brilliant humour. One night at the Club, it came to his ears that one of the lads playing football outside was using 'bad language', but as no name was given, he had to pursue some investigations himself. At the end of the evening he was able to whisper quietly to one of the other helpers: "It's OK! I got the little b-r who was using the bad language!"
Certainly Fr Eddie was never short of an anecdote to share. The following one was, I think, his favourite and it happened when he returned once to Chertsey to visit a family of a former pupil. There was now a younger brother attending Chertsey school and his father introduced Fr Eddie by telling his young son: ''You know, Fr Eddie used to be Headmaster of your school!". The young boy politely asked Fr Eddie what he was doing now, and Fr Eddie said; "Oh I'm teaching chemistry in the Lower School at Farnborough". There was a moment or two of puzzled silence before the youngster quite innocently asked: "Oh, are you working your way up again?".
To return to the Book of Ecclesiastes, we read of 'a time for sorrow and a time for joy' and Fr Eddie's funeral was certainly such a time. It was also an occasion for thanking God for creating such good people to enrich our lives.
In conclusion, I quote again a sentence from Fr Provincial's homily:
"As we commend Fr Eddie to the Father, let us also pray that his life and our memory of him may continue to inspire us concerning the quality of our ... 'being present', our ... 'being with' those who in any way share our lives and those whose lives we touch."
Eternal Rest give unto him, 0 Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.
Fr Francis Sutherland SDB
Fr Henry Butters SDB
22nd October 2006
Henry Edwin Butters, always known as Harry, was born in Birkenhead on 5th June 1919 to Henry and Mary Butters, nee Quigley. Harry was the eldest of 7 children in all, including Bernard, Joseph, Gerard, Tommy, Kathleen and Bobby. Harry always spoke with great love and affection for his parents and for his brothers and sister, because he knew the value of coming from a good home and close-knit family and he was very appreciative of the sacrifices his parents and family had made for him to become a Salesian priest.
In 1932Hany left Birkenhead for the recently opened SalesianMissionary College at. Shrigley near Macclesfield. It was here that his love for Don Bo$co and his missionary vocation grew He was accepted for the Salesian Novitiate in 1937 and made his First Profession as a Salesian of Don Bosco in Beckford on 31st August 1938. This was an exciting time for Harry, as he had volunteered to be a Salesian missionary and his application had been accepted. Harry made his way from Battersea to Turin, receiving the Missionary Cross in the Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians from the hands of Don Ricaldone, the 4th Successor of St JQhn. Bosco. On November 23rd 1938, Harry left Genoa with other young missionaries by boat for Bombay, a journey lasting 12 days, before travelling to Calcutta and then to Sonada to begin his studies in philosophy. From 1939 to 1942 he taught at Liluah and from 1942 to 1945 in Shillong. He completed his theology studies at Mawlai and was ordained to the priesthood in Shillong Cathedral by Archbishop Matthias SDB on 7th December 1946.
Immediately following his ordination, Harry was sent to Cherrapungtee in the Khasi Hills of Assam to minister as an Assistant Priest in the parish. During the five years of his stay there Harry was to come to love more deeply the people, their customs and their language. In 2003, Harry received a surprise visit from Archbishop Jala SDB, the present Archbishop of Shillong. The Archbishop came to meet a man whom people still remembered and spoke of with such great respect and affection. During that meeting, Harry spoke in the Khasi language, remembering family names and family connections; still fresh in his memory after a gap of over 50 years. In 1951 to 1952 he was asked to be Bursar in Gaijato and in 1953, a teacher at the college in Sonada. In 1953 Harry returned to England for his first visit home since leaving in 1938. He was also in need of some medical treatment. During this time, Harry maintained that his mother managed to persuade Fr Couche, the Provincial of the time, that Harry should remain in England! Although Harry was very keen to return to India he accepted his new 'obedience' and went to Beckford to help with general office duties.
From 1955 to 1962 he became the manager of the Salesian Press in London, responsible for overseeing the training of apprentice printers and producing the Salesian Bulletin. It was not until 1989 that Harry was to make a return visit to India, seeing once again the people he had loved. He was amazed to see how the Salesian works had developed and grown. It was a visit that brought him a great sense of joy and satisfaction, as he was able to feel that he had had an opportunity to say a proper farewell. He came to realise the truth of the words that one sows, another reaps. The good work he had begun in earlier years had produced great fruit that others were now carrying forward.
Harry's office skills and his innate ability to relate well to all kinds of people made him a natural choice for the two major ministries he carried out in the Province: Bursar in Shrigley (1962-1964; 1969-197 4) and Cowley (1985-1986) and Parish work in Battersea (1964-1969), Chertsey (1974-1979), Cowley (1979; 1980-1983 as Parish Priest) and Bollington (1987-1996). From 1983 to 1987 Harry was appointed Chaplain to RAF Abingdon. By nature, Harry was compassionate, deeply concerned about the welfare and well-being of people. He embodied the essence of what it means to be salesian: open and friendly, ready to reach out to those in need, welcoming others with unfailing kindness, respect and patience; cheerful and optimistic. Harry was an exceptionally wonderful confessor. He was an attentive listener, kindly and gentle, full of sound spiritual and deeply human advice, often accompanied with much humour.
1996 saw Harry celebrate 50 years as a Salesian priest. Perhaps the crowning moment for Harry's Golden Jubilee year was a trip to Rome to join in the celebrations for Pope John Paul's Golden Jubilee of Ordination. Harry was thrilled to meet the Pope, celebrate Mass with him and to be entertained to a wonderful meal with the Pope in the Vatican. He treasured the special stole that Pope John Paul gave to all the priests celebrating with him and wore it proudly whenever he concelebrated Mass.
Following his own Jubilee celebrations, Harry's life was to change quite dramatically. On March 16th 1997 Harry was staying with his great friend Eileen Healy, who was to so generously care for him for the next 4 years in her own home, when he suffered the first of a number of major strokes, each of which placed his life in serious danger. It is a tribute to Harry's character that he was determined not to give in, but to fight on and keep going. Harry found his gradual disability frustrating and he often questioned the point of his life, and asked why did God not take him to Himself. The Christian disciple must keep on learning to have the heart and mind of Christ, the Master. The Lord was trying to teach him that his ministry as a Salesian and as a priest was no longer to find its expression in the 'doing' of things. Harry was to learn the importance of simply 'being' a Salesian priest. His mission now was to let himself be a sign of God's love and compassion for all those who experience the frailty of illness and old age and for those who care for the sick and the elderly. Gradually, Harry appreciated what was being asked of him by God, but it did not always make it easy.
The last 5 years of Harry's life were spent at Greengates Nursing Home in Oxford, where he was frequently visited by Eileen, the local Salesian community, the Salesian Sisters, the local clergy and the Legion of Mary. He was very contented and appreciated deeply the kindness of the nursing staff and residents. A visit to Harry always ended with his many expressions of gratitude and a blessing; throughout the visit he would reminisce about more active days, ask about what was happening in the Province and with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes share a joke or humorous comment! Although Harry was longing to celebrate the 60th anniversary of his ordination, he was also longing for Heaven. He was finding the struggle to get through each day of living ever more demanding and tiring. Once after Holy Communion, Harry ended his silent thanksgiving by making this prayer;
'Lord, thank you for the wonderful gift of my vocation as a Salesian and as a Priest. With all the love of my heart I renew the offering of myself to God in poverty, chastity and obedience. I offer my sufferings in union with the sufferings of Christ, my Lord.'
Harry was truly blessed, because he came to a point of real spiritual abandonment to God. His whole being was firmly given to God and when the end came, Harry passed peacefully to the Lord on Sunday 22nd October 2006. In the eyes of the unwise Harry had seemingly little to offer in old age, but precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faithful one, especially of one who has in faith and deep trust handed over to God his very being.
Harry's remains were brought to the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians, Cowley on October 29th, the very day on which his passport expired! His Requiem Mass followed the next day and he was laid to rest in the Salesian graves at Rosehill Cemetery, Cowley. We thank God for Harry's life and for his ministry as a Salesian of Don Bosco. The Rule reminds us that the remembrance of our deceased brothers 'is an incentive to continue faithfully in our mission' (Article 94). We draw strength and inspiration from Harry's life of generous love of God and service to His people, expressed through his gifts of nature and grace, his strong missionary vocation and his many sufferings so patiently borne. We commend his soul to the God of all compassion, who is slow to anger, rich in mercy and abounding in love.
Fr Kieran Anderson SDB
Fr Sean O'Loughlin SDB
4th September 2006
Fr Sean was born at Drumbahna just outside Limerick in 1926 in a period of the deepest insecurity and conflict that disfigured Ireland's often troubled history. In the aftermath of the War of Independence a fratricidal Civil War broke out between those who accepted the Free State Treaty, such as Michael Collins as the best that was possible to free the country from the scourge of the Black and Tans, and the idealists like Eamonn Devalera who believed that to give up the 6 Northern Counties of Ulster was to betray Ireland.
In a mute witness to those troubled times, when Fr Sean was asked to produce the documents for his Irish passport, he discovered that his baptismal certificate gave him a birthday three months different from the family's accepted date. Whether this was merely a 'clerical' error or a tribute to the troubled times, Sean was often to sing in later life a chorus from a favourite Irish love song: 'I'll forgive but I'll never forget.'
Sean entered the recently opened Salesian College at Pallaskenry as what he described as a late vocation hoping to become a priest but with his lack of previous secondary education, especially Latin, and his evident experience and expertise on the farm, he was accepted as an aspirant as a Salesian coadjutor or Lay Brother.
He made his novitiate in Burwash and then moved to Shrigley to help on the farm. In those war years and his extraordinary_ determination and hard work and his love of working with the boys make him a much loved character even then.
With the closure of the Farm, Sean experienced one of those radical changes of direction in life that was to somehow mark his life. The Provincial of the time asked him to train as a chef so that he could serve the community at Shrigley in a very different capacity. It was during this period that he developed an undying devotion to Manchester United and would often tell the tale of a Saturday afternoon escape over the hills to get a train to Old Trafford and manage to be back in time for spiritual reading.
His next posting seemed like a step backwards when he was asked to go and look after the sports fields and grounds at the Salesian College, Chertsey. He often told the story of how in protest he burned his cookery books and refused for the rest of his life to cook anything except a fried egg for himself, no matter what transpired. His work on the sports fields at Chertsey consisted of a long term guerrilla campaign to build in the drainage necessary to make the fields playable, whatever the superiors said.
At Chertsey he quickly became a much loved feature and before long was commenting and coaching the school football teams.
It was in a similar role that he came to Farnborough to a mercifully well drained sports ground to take on the job of Senior Sports Master. Of course despite his new job he never really gave up his care for the grounds and early or late he could be found tending the fields on his tractor.
With the changes that came into the Church with the Second Vatican Council Sean's vocation to the priesthood began to emerge once again under Fr Robert Coupe's kind and firm direction. Sean developed a wonderful apostolate in guiding the Stoke pilgrims to Lourdes and eventually came as a student for the priesthood to Ushaw College at the age of 62. For the next five years Sean worked at his theological studies with a determination that had drained the fields at Chertsey despite the water table. With the support and encouragement of the professors and students Sean became a much loved feature of the Salesian community there. In his beloved placement parish at Esh Winning he won the hearts of the sick and elderly. He visited with such devotion and his wonderful pastoral gifts found a marvellous outlet in his parish work.
After ordination he spent a year in the Glasgow parish of St Benedict before returning to Chertsey where he exercised a wonderful apostolate among the youngsters in the playground and as chaplain to the convent in Addlestone. His love for the sick and elderly and his frequent pilgrimages to Lourdes made a wonderful contribution to the enrichment of the Salesian community life and apostolate in those years.
With the move to the newly built community house at Eastworth Road, Sean took on the work of making the gardens bloom and grass and bushes were soon replaced by flowers.
Sean's love for human beings and his capacity to relate to the young and old were a wonderful gift that he shared unhesitatingly as a Salesian and a priest.
In the last five years Sean encountered what was perhaps the greatest challenge of his life -coming to terms with illness and infirmity. He found suffering very difficult to bear and immensely frustrating. The determination which had seen him through so many trials before was put to work combating anything that was getting in the way of full recovery. It was now, more than ever, that he longed to be home in Limerick among those with whom he had experienced so much love. In the final few months of his life Sean had to make a long journey of acceptance to the arms of the Father. It was a struggle, a lot of inner spiritual work was done and, thanks be to God, in the last few days Sean came to a wonderful peace and serenity. He died surrounded by loved ones, strong in faith and confident that the Lord was at last taking him home.
Fr Peter Brealey SDB