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In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan… as we shiver into another year, its pages blank and ready to be written, January brings us hope and new beginnings. Perhaps a new book could inspire.




Fr William Carroll SDB

Fr William Carroll SDB


9th June 2012

William Carroll was born in Bolton, 30th August 1919. He was the only child in his family. An early photograph of his parents shows his father in military uniform - a soldier of the first Great War. A later photograph shows William, or Bill as he was affectionately known, proudly wearing the school uniform of the Salesian College, Thomleigh where he went at the age of 11 for his secondary education. The Salesian charism must have been very strong in the College. It 'worked' with Bill. Somewhere during those secondary school years there was discernment about Bill's wishes and hopes; how, and in what direction, his future life should go. These are, naturally, very personal and private matters, but there must have been Salesians on the staff and in the community, at Thornleigh, who discussed and supported Bill and his parents in those days. After his 5th Form studies he applied to be accepted as a Salesian novice, and in August 1936 he went to the Salesian Novitiate, newly established at Beckford, on the borders between Gloucestershire and Worcestershire.

Bill was professed a Salesian at the end of August 1937 , and, following normal practice, he continued with church studies, of Philosophy, for two more years at the Salesian Studentate in Cowley, Oxford where the Salesians had a strong presence.

In 1939, at the outbreak of World War Two, Bill was ready to continue his training as a young Salesian. He spent three years at the Salesian School in Burwash, Sussex. This was a boarding school for boys aged about 7-11 years. Bill was actively engaged in teaching and he developed a skill as a musician which was useful to him in later life. He spoke fondly of his years at Burwash and was very proud of one of his pupils who became Lord St. John of Fawsley- Norman St John-Stevas. After completing three years in the school and community at Burwash, Bill continued with his studies for the priesthood at Blaisdon Hall in Gloucestershire.

Bill was ordained priest as a Salesian in July 1946 and there began a long period of teaching in Salesian schools. Over the next 32 years he was a teacher of Geography (with some music) in the Salesian schools in Oxford, Battersea, Chertsey and Bolton. He also studied at Oxford University for three years, being awarded an M.A. in Geography. Bill has the unusual distinction of being a Geography graduate who never left the shores of the British Isles! There is a very striking picture of Bill in his Oxford gown. He was also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

The time came, and who could begrudge him this, for a change of ministry, or Salesian presence. Bill was in his early 60ies when he began a period of 19 years in a more pastoral ministry In 1981 he was appointed to the parish the Salesians cared for in Farnborough, and he was there for seven years. For a further eleven years Bill worked in parishes in the Plymouth Diocese; Swanage and Lynton. Both parishes had vibrant convents and he was also chaplain to these. On learning of his death several of Bill's former parishioners contacted us at Farnborough with remembered and appreciated vignettes of his presence among them. He cycled a lot and walked - with purpose.

There followed a period of six years when he lived in the Salesian parish at Cowley, in Oxford and acted as chaplain to the convent of Salesian Sisters there. They, too have many fond memories of his humour - sometimes a little sharp - and many kindnesses.

Bill returned to Farnborough in 2006 and joined the Salesian community in St. John Bosco House, on the periphery of the College grounds. He came a little reluctantly, as he appreciated the opportunities that parish and pastoral work had given him and he was afraid there would be nothing for him to do. Bill had reached the stage where his health needed a little more care and attention. He was a very private person with a shyness that was hard to penetrate. But he was not unhappy and kept a keen interest in what was going on around him and what others were doing! As time went on, he became less certain of himself and began to lose his physical balance. He was in Frimley Park Hospital for some weeks and got progressively weaker. We were able to find a place for him in a nursing home in Cove - very near to Farnborough - where he was very well looked after and we were able to visit frequently. He was there for the last six months of his life.

We noted a sharp deterioration in Bill about two weeks before he died. Our visits increased and we were able to administer the Sacraments to him. A few days before he died he slipped into a peaceful unconsciousness, from where he made his final uncomplicated move to God on the morning of 9th June 2012. There, we hope, pray and believe, he rests in peace.

John Gilheney SDB

Fr John Bennett SDB

Fr John Bennett SDB


18th February 2012

John Joseph Bennett, whose life we are recalling and thanking God for, was born in 1917 and grew up in the Lancashire town of Radcliffe. At the age of 11 he became a pupil at the recently opened Thornleigh Salesian College, and within a short space of time he felt so much at home with his Salesian teachers that he decided to become a Salesian himself.

It was during his novitiate year (1933-1934), and especially during the celebrations marking the canonisation of Don Bosco, that John volunteered to be a missionary somewhere in the ever expanding Salesian world. His offer was accepted and in the autumn of 1934, after bidding farewell to his family and Salesian companions he set sail for India where he arrived in December 1934. His final destination within that country was the Salesian house of studies at Shillong, 6000 feet up in the hill country of Assam and close to the borders of Burma and Nepal.

There, besides wrestling with the different tracts of philosophy, he also had to face the even greater challenge of adapting to a totally different culture and way of living. In Shillong, the official language of the community was Italian, the daily fare was curry and rice, and if he wanted to actively engage in any pastoral work he had to learn the dialects of the different Indian tribes living within the area.

These must have been some of the hardships that - following in the footsteps of St Paul John had to face and to live through as he prepared himself to proclaim the 'Good News' of Jesus Christ. But his resolve never faltered and eventually, with three years of philosophy behind him, he began his years of practical training - years that included assisting in a printing press and teaching music and singing. Even as a young Salesian, John was already revealing some of his many gifts and the way he could turn his hand to almost anything that was asked of him.

His years of practical training behind him, John returned to Assam to study theology and to continue his pastoral work - work that now included ministering to the increasing number of Allied troops caught up in the war in south east Asia.

Ordained to the priesthood in January 1944, John spent the first 3 years of his priestly ministry in India, and then in February 1947 he returned home - to a country, a Salesian province and a family, all of which had changed markedly during his 14 year absence.

His family were delighted to have him back in their midst, and it was those long years of separation that undoubtedly deepened the love he already had for them - a love which never left him and which his family returned in abundance right up to the last moments of his life.

From 194 7 until he retired to St Joseph's, our home for elderly confreres in Bolton, in 1998 - a period of 50 plus years - John immersed himself fully in the life and mission of our province. He spent periods of time in most of our communities and accepted a whole range of responsibilities - rector, bursar, head teacher, catechist, working in our Mission Office.

Each of these was taken on with his customary dedication and generosity. One confrere recalls: 'Whenever I needed help in some practical way with some extracurricular activity with the boys, the one person I knew would be willing to help was John. If I needed transport to take myself and a group of boys to a certain place from which we were to make our way back to the house on foot, John was always available. He taught me a very valuable lesson about how to live in community.'

Irrespective of his official role at any particular time, John was first and foremost a faithful disciple of Jesus, following the Lord's gospel way, as a Salesian and as a priest. He was immensely proud of his Salesian vocation and of being part of the Salesian family; and through his kindness, care and practical helpfulness he brought Don Bosco alive for numberless young - and not so young - people. And like Don Bosco the priesthood and his life of prayer were at the centre of all he was and all he did.

Don Bosco once remarked: 'A priest is always a priest, and should be seen as such in his every word. To be a priest means to be obliged to keep always in mind the great interest of God, which is the salvation of souls'. Those words always rang true for John and he was never happier than when he was exercising his priestly ministry. In 1998 John returned to Bolton as one of the founder members in the newly opened St Joseph's home for older Salesians. He was 'retired' but certainly not inactive. One confrere remembers: 'he served at table in the dining room, supervising the tables like a Salesian assistant in the refectory. Mealtime was for eating, not for unnecessary talking. He had a special 'basilisk' glare for the slow eater!'

As his care needs increased, John eventually moved to St Joseph's, the Little Sisters of the Poor Home in Manchester, where he spent the final two years of his life. He was always full of praise for the care he received there. 'I am in Paradise', he would always declare whenever we visited him.

Even in his final hours in hospital, as his strength was failing, John maintained his kindness, patience and gratitude, responding as well as he could to the prayers and blessings he received and ready to raise his hand in blessing in return.

On the eve of his funeral, John returned to Thornleigh for the final time. Wherever he had been, his presence helped to transform a house into a home. We pray that now he has reached his homeland in heaven he will rapidly be transformed into the likeness of the glorious body of Jesus Christ.

Fr Hugh Preston SDB


Fr Laurence Martin SDB


20th April 2011

Laurence was born in Marylebone, London on 3rd January 1920. He lived, most of his young life with his parents in St. John's Wood - not, as he was at pains to insist, in the affluent part. Through circumstances, Laurence and his younger brother, Denis, were brought up by his mother, a devoted catholic who grounded her sons in the faith and who was determined that her boys would get the best she could give them, although the family found it difficult to make ends meet.

As secondary school age loomed, in 1930, the local parish priest of St. John's Wood, knowing Mrs. Martin's concern for the education of her sons, and her straitened circumstances, gave her a letter and told her to take it to the Rector of the Salesian CoUege in Battersea, Fr. Aloysius Sutherland. As a result, Laurence, and eventually Denis were enrolled in the Salesian College, paying what the family could afford. After his ordination in I950, Laurence was able to publicly thank Fr. Sutherland, who was enjoying another term as Rector at Battersea, for his kindness to their family. Laurence carried this memory all his life.

Laurence went to Battersea in 1930. He was a bright pupil, and took his School Certificate/Matric at the age of 14. He described himself as an ordinary pupil who loved his time at Battersea, "not excessively pious". In 1934 he went to Rome, with his mother, for the canonisation of St. John Bosco. He had expressed his wish to become a Salesian. He liked what he experienced and saw at Battersea.

As there were no further (higher) courses of study at the Salesian College, at that time, and as he did not wish to transfer to another school, he joined the Salesian Novitiate in Cowley, Oxford, in September 1934, at the age of 14½. At the end of the Novitiate year he was too young to be professed a Salesian. This was delayed until April 1936. He continued with his studies of Philosophy, at the Salesian House of Studies, in Oxford.

In September 1937, as part of his training, he was sent to the junior school in Burwash, Sussex, where, he said, he was not a success. He found it difficult to get the measure of junior students who were under twelve years old. After a year he went to Shrigley where he taught with greater success. It was here that he came under the influence of Fr. Thomas Hall who directed him wisely in his spiritual and salesian life. He took his perpetual vows in 1941.

Fr. Hall arranged for Laurence to study for his degree in mathematics at Kings College, London, which he obtained in 1946 - then returning to Shrigley for a year to teach and commence his theological studies. He went to Blaisdon, then the Theologate, and was ordained in 1950.

He then began a long period of teaching mathematics. - for five years at Shrigley and then for thirteen years at the Salesian House of Studies at Beckford, where he prepared generations of young Salesians for their degree in mathematics/science. There is still a good number of Salesians in the province who owe him a great deal in this regard and for the salesian example that he gave. In 1968 he went to Thomleigh College in Bolton where he taught mathematics for a further nine years.

In 1977 he had a three year break from maths' teaching. He became part of the retreat team at Savio House, Bollington, In 1980 he was, for a short time, chaplain to the Salesian Sisters and their charges at Hastings.

Thereafter, he went to the Salesian community at Farnborough which was his home community until he died. At Farnborough, his skills as a teacher of mathematics were harnessed by the College, especially at senior level. He continued with this for as long as he thought he effectively could. For a period of nine years he was chaplain (part time) at HM Prison at Coldingley.

He learned to drive at this stage of his life. His mode of travel had been by motor bike - not ideal for a sixty year old. The tributes that came from those to whom he ministered give evidence of his great gentleness and sensitivity, together with his own dominant recognition of his priesthood and the power of God and His holy Mother in his life. His work in the College gradually lessened, but the quality of his teaching to 6th Form students still brings back appreciative letters.

He had two periods when he acted as chaplain to the Nazareth Houses in Southend and at Hammersmith. The former was for about three years, the stay at Hammersmith, shorter, and coincided with the last months of his dear mother who died aged I05 years and who was a great influence on Laurence and Denis. On returning to Farnborough he filled his time quite happily with prayer, reading and keeping abreast of a large correspondence from people whom he had met along the way. He went, frequently, at this stage of his life to Mejugorie. He said the 20 mysteries - at least - every day. He kept alive his contact with his family and visited, regularly and enthusiastically. He was a happy and fulfilled salesian who had a broad welcome and smile for all.

It was out of the blue, although his memory had begun to fail, that his stroke occurred, 3rd November 2010. He was in Frimley Park Hospital, for a few weeks and then in the Stroke Rehabilitation Unit of Farnham Hospital where he was excellently nursed. Sadly, he had lost the will to live and he wanted to die and 'go home to Heaven'. His nurses, understandably, found this difficult to understand as they were doing their best to get him moving again! He did not respond, and so it was thought better for him to be moved to nursing care. A place was found for him at Hammersmith, at the Home where his mother had been and where he had acted as chaplain. He was able to have the sacraments, although he was not always aware. Fr James McGuire, a member of our community, was chaplain at Hammersmith and able to assist him and keep us informed.

He died on 20th April, 2011 at breakfast time. He was buried among his confreres, on 6th May, in the cemetery at Farnborough, after we had celebrated his Requiem in the parish church of Our Lady, Help of Christians.

Laurence had a favourite saying, a quotation from an (unknown) 'beatus' from the Middle Ages, which he would often repeat: "Be kind, be kind and you'll be a saint".

And Laurence was kind, very kind.

In love and in thanksgiving we commend his soul to God.

Fr Terence Aylward SDB

Fr Terence Aylward SDB


23rd January 2011

As Terry's body was received into the Thornleigh Salesian College chapel, Bolton a small spray of daffodils was placed on his coffin. They were a small reminder to all present that Terry was born in Maesteg, South Wales and that throughout his life he was always proud of his Welsh roots.

In 1940, at the age of 17, Terry entered the Salesian aspirantate at Shrigley Park and three years later, even though his overriding desire was to become a Salesian priest, he generously volunteered to serve his country as a soldier in the Royal Artillery. Military service followed in France, Belgium and Holland during the last two years of World War Two and then in Germany during the first year of peace.

Demobilisation came in the summer of 1946 and within six weeks he had entered the Salesian Novitiate at Beckford, and the rest of his life, al­most 64 years, was spent as a member of the Salesian congregation. Dur­ing his years of priestly training the word that is applied most frequently to him is 'earnest' and it underlines his burning desire to become a good and faithful Salesian. This is perhaps expressed most beautifully in his letter to be admitted to the priesthood in 1956. He wrote, 'With a feeling of holy fear mingled with inexpressible joy, I freely submit my applica­tion to be admitted to the sacred priesthood, my life's goal. Though most unworthy of such a sublime honour I hope, relying on Jesus and Mary, to live up to this most wonderful privilege'. Signed, 'Yours most obedi­ently in Don Bosco'. In many ways the sentiments and statements in that letter of application sum up Terry's life: his core identity as a Salesian, a faithful son of Don Bosco, the great joy and honour he saw in being a priest, his reliance on Jesus and his great devotion to Mary.

Terry's Salesian life was centred on Bolton, firstly at Thornleigh where he taught from 1956 to 1985 and then at St Joseph's where he returned in retirement in 2000 after 10 years in parish ministry and retirement in Bootle.

During those years Terry's influence was great but perhaps much of it went unnoticed and was not very spectacular at the time. He was very well liked and respected, and was noted for the encouragement and praise he gave his pupils. One past pupil from the grammar school days said, 'Terry was a very fair teacher. There was fun and jollity, but no messing around' And each year during Lent, Terry worked tirelessly to help raise thousands of pounds for St Joseph's Penny, the diocesan char­ity, with his familiar refrain, 'A penny for the orphans, buy a raffle ticket for the orphans'.

This year (2011) the Rector Major's strenna focuses on the need to de­velop a vocations ministry and culture. Over thirty years ago Terry was quietly doing just that as he strove to encourage vocations to the priest­hood and the religious life among his pupils. He formed a Vocations Group who met after school on a Friday and from that group six are now priests whilst several others joined religious life or attended seminary for a time. This is a significant achievement for the little Welsh priest who taught French!

Terry's devotion to Mary was expressed both in his prayer and through his involvement in the Legion of Mary. He was also involved in the Fo­calare Movement and in several prayer groups in Bolton, in Bootle and indeed wherever he lived.

In his latter years Terry was forever asking questions and often about heaven: 'What will it be like? 'Will it be this or that?' Sadly after his first stroke in the late 90s Terry's life changed and he was far more troubled and anxious, and more limited in his involvement with others.

Given Jesus' reassuring words, 'Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still and trust in me' and given Terry's own strong faith, it is our hope and prayer that now in death there is no more trouble or anxiety, that all his questions have been answered, that all has been revealed in the fullness of God.

As we give thanks for the influence of the life of Terry, a faithful Sale­sian and priest, let us pledge ourselves to follow his example of encour­aging future vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.

Fr Hugh Preston SDB


Fr James Walsh SDB

Fr James Walsh SDB


18th December 2010

On 17th June 1918, just as the First World War was entering its last phase, James was born in Belleek, a small country town noted for its pottery and for the fact that it straddles the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.

The family soon moved to the city of (London) Derry and it was there that James attended primary school, until at the age of 13 he travelled across the Irish Sea to begin his aspirantate at Shrigley Park, near Mac­clesfield. He was an aspirant for 5 years and then in September 1936 he moved to Beckford to commence his novitiate year. It was during this year, as there were four other 'James' in the novitiate, that Fr Simonetti, the novice master, asked him to use his confirmation name 'Columba', but he always preferred James.

Having made his first profession in September 1937, James moved to Cowley, Oxford, where he spent the next six years, firstly as a student of philosophy, then as a teacher and assistant and finally as a student of theology. More years of theological study followed at Shrigley and Blaisdon, years he found difficult since he was not a natural student, but he was eventually ordained a priest at Pallaskenry, Co Limerick in July 1947.

For the next 40 years, except for one year of studies at St Mary's Col­lege, Strawberry Hill, James was a teacher at our Salesian schools in Bat­tersea and Chertsey, Farnborough and Cowley. Besides teaching geogra­phy and other academic subjects, James also shared with many young­sters his great love of sport, especially athletics. He spent many, many hours coaching youngsters in the different branches of athletics and or­ganising competitions both within the schools where he was teaching and between the different English Salesian schools. The latter developed into the annual Inter Salesian Schools athletics meeting that is still flour­ishing today.

In the summer of 1988 he was asked to become the Rector of the Sale­sian community at Chertsey. He readily agreed but it was not a role to which he was best suited and at the end of three years, he moved up to Glasgow, initially to Bosco House and then a couple of years later to the nearby Salesian parish of St Benedict's, Easterhouse. There his kindness and practical concern for others which had always characterised his ap­proach to those entrusted to his care, really came in to their own. He was especially devoted to the sick and to the house bound and spent many hours visiting those who were in hospital.

That same caring pastoral approach accompanied him down to Bootle in 1996, and there he spent the next seven years as part of the parish team at St Richard's. In 2005, even though he was well into his 80s he accepted the invitation to become chaplain to the Benedictine Sisters at More Hall Convent, Stroud. For the next four years he endeared himself to the sisters and to the residents of the nursing home by his dedication to their spiritual and pastoral needs. Even though his strength was not what it had been in earlier years, he still took great delight in spending time out in the grounds of the convent, tending to the garden.

Eventually in May 2009, and almost into his 91st year he moved to St Joseph' s, Bolton where he remained until just a few weeks before his death at Nazareth House, Prestwich, Manchester on 17th December, 2010.

James' Christian faith was a simple, uncomplicated faith, a faith that enabled him to accept and overcome the difficulties and challenges that are inevitably part of our daily lives. That was especially true of the last months of his life. His increasing frailty, his almost total deafness must have caused him much frustration. Yet never once did he grumble and complain. His patient acceptance of the burdens and limitations of old age spoke eloquently of his childlike trust in Jesus and Mary. It is our hope and prayer that they have already welcomed him into the joys of heaven.

Fr Hugh Preston SDB

Fr Patrick Donellan


22nd March 2010

Fr James Cummins


4th March 2010

Fr Thomas Donaghy


21st January 2010


Fr Michael Power SDB

Fr Michael Power SDB


20th November 2009

My first contact with Michael goes back to 1944, when we found ourselves in opposing cross­-country teams: Michael running for Shrigley, and myself running for Thornleigh, Bolton. It was a very amicable contest: there were no words exchanged, no surreptitious tripping of opponents, and Michael's team won the day. That was the first and last time that Michael and I found ourselves as rivals, or opponents.

Tributes to Michael have come from far and wide, and I hope to share some of them with you, as I recall my own memories of him. I am aware that we are doing this in the context of the Mass, when we thank God for the gift of Michael's life, we offer him back to the Father who gave him to us, and we pray for him as he now sees God face to face and begins a new life with him.

Salesian life began in earnest for him and me and several companion in August 1948, when we went to spend our novitiate year at Beckford. Michael had been there before as a young boy in Lower Elements as we used to say. Because of the Monastic silence that we had to observe in the house, it wasn't the ideal place to forge new, personal friendships,. Michael and I did once get into hot water by breaking the silence, but we survived to tell the tale.

I saw in Michael right from the start that there was a deep undercurrent of commitment; a single­mindedness; an inner strength of mind and a readiness to do everything well. I was struck whenever I saw him praying on his own in the chapel. It was as though there was something going on between Michael and God that was of huge importance. He was also a man not to waste a moment of time. My special image of him was seeing him churning the farm butter: if his right hand was churning, his left hand was holding a book; if his left hand was churning, his right hand was holding a book. I often passed him at his work, but didn't dare say a word lest we got in trouble for breaking the silence. And that would have been sertious!

Novitiate wasn't a time for frivolity and fun, so I only had occasional glimpses of the other, lighter side of Michael. That emerged much more after we took our vows and moved on to Shrigley for a two-year course in Philosophy and to do secular studies to prepare for a University degree. There I got to Michael much better and to enjoy his more expansive personality and discover that impish capacity he had for Rory Bremner-type impersonations.

Shrigley was a wonderful place to be. It was where Michael had lived and studied before his novitiate. One of our companions from those days, Fr John Coleman, makes the following comment: he says: It was in the rugged surroundings of Shrigley that Michael would have learned much of his resilience, simplicity of lifestyle and his ability to communicate these qualities to young people. We were, of course, part of a larger group, and during those two years many good, lasting friendships were forged, and a youthful team of clerics eventually joined the Shrigley teaching staff. Michael was an immediate success. Efficient, painstaking, and well liked by the boys, as he always would be in a school, both in and out of the classroom. I remember him telling me the motto he suggested to his form: was 'Miles Christi', 'Soldier of Christ', and I was delighted the other day when Fr John Coleman also added: 'I still remember the enthusiasm Michael aroused in those young lads to be in the service of Christ the King.'

Whilst most of us stayed on in Shrigley to continue our teaching, Michael went to Thomleigh, in Bolton.

Three years later, Michael and I and two other companions went to Melchet Court in Hampshire for our four years of Theology. I have to admit that our spirits were rather low after we arrived: we'd been teaching for four years, now we were doomed to sit at a desk and BE taught. So the day after we arrived, we went for a long walk; and we vowed we'd go for a long walk once a week, come what may. Strangely, by the next week we'd forgotten our vow and were beginning to enjoy what were to be some of our best years in that lively, international community.

But for Michael there were some dark clouds looming and times of great sorrow. First, he lost his Mother; then within a short space of time, also his father. After that second loss, an uncle of Michael told him that he would take the place of his father, and his home would be Michael's home. But in a third, bitter blow, this uncle also died. Michael and his brother and sisters must have been utterly devastated. I still don't know where Michael found the spiritual, emotional and physical energy to carry on. It's a tribute to the depth of his faith and his courage that he could come back yet again, resume his studies, and to our amazement seem to have peace of mind. The Lord must have been very close to him, at the same time preparing him to show the Lord's great compassion to others as a Salesian priest.

The joy of our Ordination in 1959 was shared with twelve other Salesians from across the Salesian world. Those of us from this province then spent a year of pastoral theology at Shrigley which we combined with teaching. After that came the diaspora, as we spilled out around the province. Michael and I went to Farnborough where Michael remained for ten years before taking up his first major post as Rector in Shrigley from 1970 to 1976. Fr Brian, his nephew was a senior boy there. He admits that could have been an awkward situation, with his uncle Michael as his rector, but he says that was NOT the case, as Michael was always very fair.

After a sabbatical year in Maynooth, Michael eventually came to Scotland for two years, to promote vocations and renew contacts with Salesian Cooperators. I called to see him in Hamilton Road, and he told me he had been in a place called Easterhouse, and he said with great emphasis: 'That's where we Salesians ought to be'. It would be ten years before his words became a reality.

The sudden death of Fr Joseph Fairclough led to Michael being called upon to take up his second major post of responsibility, this time as Provincial Bursar. It was a post he was to hold for the next eight years. Few of us are in a position to know the full story Michael's work in that area, but one who does know is Fr Charles, who eventually succeeded him. I quote just some of what Fr Charles told me: 'Thanks to him I inherited a well organised and flounshing system'; 'Michael engaged lay people with expertise in this area; set up a Finance Committee, and we are still benefiting from their professional and practical advice; he also set up a fund for the missions, and for the elderly Salesians, so it's thanks to his work that we now have two residences, one in the north, the other in the south of England for elderly Salesians.' We have much reason then to be grateful to Michael for this great work of administration.

Michael came back to Scotland in 1987, still nurturing the dream he told me about nine years before, and so a year later saw him as Parish Priest here in St Benedict's, and I'm sure the memory of his presence here is still vivid in your minds. For Michael, it was the beginning of parish ministry that would go on for the next 21 years.

Michael brought into parish ministry not only the wealth of experience acquired over the years, but more importantly the fruit of his own deep, personal faith and closeness to God. He brought his natural, easy manner of relating with people, and a spirit of optimism and joy that must have uplifted many hearts.

Fr Kieran Anderson, who spent some of those years alongside Michael, says : 'Michael was a wonderful Salesian and priest to have lived with. Much of what I try to do as a Salesian priest in parish ministry is greatly influenced by the memory of Michael's pastoral approach. His heart and soul were completely given to God and in tum he gave himself totally to the people of Easterhouse'.

All told, five parishes were blessed with Michael's presence and ministry: in addition to St Benedict's, they were St Mary Magdalene and St Stephen's in Mitchell's Plain, S. Africa, St Richards in Liverpool, and finally the parish of St John Bosco in Robertsham, near Johannesburg.

Of his time in St Richards, Fr Francis Preston, who was Provincial at the time writes as follows: 'Not only did Michael agree at once to become parish priest at St Richard's where he did an excellent job, but, at the end of his three year appointment, he made possible the very smooth transfer of the running of St Richard's parish back to the Archdiocese of Liverpool. Only a man of real faith, a man of prayer, like Michael, could have coped so well in such challenging circumstances. He was a great Salesian, one of the very best'.

The last parish that Michael served in was that of St John Bosco in Robertsham where he lived and worked with another Salesian priest, Fr Canice Dooley. It was Fr Canice who gave the homily at Michael's Requiem Mass, and summing up Michael's life, he said: 'Michael's life gave great joy to so many. He loved life and he knew how precious the Gift of Life is, and he made it his business to honour other people 's lives, to give them dignity and to uplift the lives of the many poor, the marginalised, the elderly and sick, and in a special way the young, to whom he gave the greater part of his life of service as a Salesian'. The Provincial in South Africa, Fr Francois Dufour, also expressed his gratitude for Michael's years in South Africa, and he singled out those last years in Robertsham: he spoke of Michael and Canice as 'forming a fabulous duo of priests to serve that parish', and went on: 'They provided us priests and religious with proof that it is possible to work, pray, play, minister, and serve, together, in unity, in mutual respect. . .. to not only just get along and put up with each other, but to give witness to harmonious community life.'

And of Michael himself, Fr Francois said: 'We will miss him, not only for what he did, but especially for his splendid modelling of Salesian consecrated life'.

So far I've spoken only of Michael as a Salesian, one of our own companions, who spent most of his life in one of our communities. But Michael also has a family - his brother Tom, his sisters Margaret and Eileen, his brother-in-law Pat, nieces, grand-nieces and nephew - a large, extended family. And though Michael was with them only intermittently over the years, I know he was much loved by all of them, as we saw when he celebrated his Golden Jubilee here. They will miss him as much as, if not more than anyone, and they will treasure all the memories they have of him.

As Brian says, his parents' house was always home to Michael whenever he came to Glasgow, and as a boy he would always serve Mass for Michael. And reflecting on him now, Brian says, 'I came to appreciate what a sound character my uncle was. He had a great sense of humour, was great company, but was always a priest and a man of God. I learned a lot from him about dealing with people, something he was very good at'. And Brian adds that everyone in the family loved him and had a great respect for him.

Our heart goes out to all of them at this sad time. I'm sure they, like all ofus, take comfort in the words of Jesus: 'I am going to prepare a place for you, so that where I am you may be, too'.

Sr Margaret was told some comforting words about the hours before Michael died: when Fr Canice anointed him, as the prayers ended Michael said: 'Now I'm ready for the journey.' Later, they prayed the Rosary, and as they came to the end of the 'Hail, Holy Queen' and said the words 'O clement, 0 loving, 0 sweet Virgin Mary', Michael breathed his last. What a beautiful moment to go to God - in the company of Mary, who had been close to Michael all through his life.

Now Michael has made that journey: gone to be at home with the Lord he loved and served so well.

So I say to Michael, the man, the priest, the Salesian confrere, the brother, uncle, great uncle, and friend of many, many people far and wide: Michael, your work is done, the work of a good and faithful servant, may your reward be great, and your joy be full, in the company of Mary whom you loved so dearly; may your joyful laughter ring around the vault of heaven in the company of Don Bosco and all the saints of heaven, in the presence of our loving God. May you rest in peace and rise again in glory.

Fr Robert Coupe SDB

(Memorial Mass)

Br John O'Kane SDB

Br John O'Kane SDB


15th February 2009

Bro John O'Kane died suddenly at Salesian Institute, Cape Town, South Africa on Sunday afternoon 15 February 2009. The word "suddenly" has to be understood in the context of John's declining health over the last year from a multitude of painful medical conditions. He was on regular treatment for a heart condition and a blood disorder; at times he was practically immobile with arthritis, muscular problems and breathlessness. Illness was a heavy cross for John who had been so active in life, nimble-footed on the football field, a zealous gardener and generally a man in a hurry.

John was born the second youngest of five children to Richard and Cecilia O'Kane in Parkhead, Glasgow on 06 August 1931. He was baptised in St Michael's Church just opposite Celtic Park. And John was soon inside Celtic Park. He remembered being there at the age of four on the shoulders of a family friend. From a young age he was at home in the family of the Church and in the family of Celtic. On the day he died he attended Mass and received Holy Communion and he also certainly knew what was happening at Celtic Football Club that weekend.

John's religious journey as a child, youth and young man led to the awakening of a call to the Salesian Congregation. He made his Profession in Burwash, Sussex on 08 September 1959 and the obedience he professed sent him to live his Salesian vocation in Scotland, England, Ireland and South Africa. Since 1971 his apostolate was varied and widespread in South Africa, as sports master in St John Bosco College near Johannesburg, as school secretary in Savio College, Lansdowne, as a youth carer in Salesian Institute, and as a pastoral assistant in Hanover Park and Mitchells Plain parishes. He spent the final years of his life at Salesian Institute, Cape Town helping in the work for the care and rehabilitation of street youth and in the administration. Even in retirement over the last couple of years of his life he fulfilled many helpful roles within the community, especially as a driver. In the early 1990s he spent a very happy year on sabbatical in Ireland and a year in Glasgow helping in the parish at Easterhouse and just being near his beloved Celtic.

Wherever John laboured on the Salesian mission he never failed to make known his enthusiasm for Celtic. He met many of his long standing friends through a mutual attraction to the Celtic spirit. A week or so before he died a stranger turned up to see him; he had heard that John was a Celtic supporter and simply had to call to see him. The way to start a conversation with John was to say something about Celtic!

John was whole-hearted about whatever he did. He was wholehearted about his Salesian vocation. He was meticulous in carrying out the duties that were assigned to him and he was faithfully religious in his way of life. Fr Michael Power, a life-long friend of John's who preached the homily at his funeral Mass, aptly applied to John the words of the old song:

'Gimme that old time religion
It was good enough for my old father. And it's good enough for me'.

There was a directness, genuineness and simplicity about John that attracted people to him. Some words used to describe him by his friends on hearing of his death were: "a colourful personality", "a humble man", "his many generous traits", "always a smile as he walked around with his dog", "a big heart for the needy during all his years in South Africa". John was a man of common sense and practical wisdom and at times he was critical of the lack of these qualities in others. Exactness characterised the organisation of his life at all levels. He liked to know his precise responsibility-niche and then he got on with the job. He was a man of punctuality and routine. To his friends who needed a lift, he was known for his "on time taxi!"

He was a man who could be relied on. His routine also gave structure to his inner spiritual life which revealed itself in simple regularity. He visited the chapel every day before lunch; he prayed the rosary daily; he was happy when there were times of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament; daily Mass and community prayer times anchored his day. He had a common sense appreciation of the value of a basic external structure. It was his expression of his love of God.

Friendship was another structure in his life. He was committed to his friends. Many of the friendships he made in the 70s and 80s were still thriving in 2009 when he died. Many of his long standing friends were there at his funeral to say, 'farewell, dear friend'. John himself was a true friend. Nothing was ever a bother to him when he was called upon to do something for another. He gave the impression that he enjoyed meeting people at the airport at midnight or dropping them there long before sunrise! Friendship was best shown in doing practical helpful things cheerfully. He would have his own unique way of expressing that! !

His funeral on Friday 20 February at the Church of Mary Help of Christians, Lansdowne, was led by Archbishop Henry of Cape Town and by the Provincial, Fr Francois Dufour. It was preceded the evening before by the arrival of his body at Salesian Institute for a night vigil in the chapel and a reverential farewell the next morning by the youth as John was taken through the gates for the last time. His funeral was a gathering of friends, a celebration of friendship in honour of John who was a great friend to many.

John suffered a lot in the last two years of his life. He struggled hard to come to terms with his personal suffering because it prevented him from being the active man he always was. Perhaps he got most help from the faithful companionship of his succession of collie dogs after the first one strayed into his life in Lansdowne in 1976. These lovely animals played a big part in his life. Being a perfectionist he wanted to take "proper care" of them. He read all the books, took them to the best training schools and took pride in his dog being the most obedient and best trained! With the word "stay", he could leave them for 30 minutes and find them in the same spot patiently waiting for him! The dogs did a lot for John in return. It is probably true to say that they led him to find a balance in his very active life. They lured him into a daily walk. Dermot Mullins, a great friend, said in his eulogy speech after John's funeral Mass: "Over the years there was rarely a day he did not take his dogs for a walk on Beach Road. In his earlier years he walked the length and breadth of it at least once a day; in his latter years it was a more sedate walk followed by an ice cream on his favourite seat ... He was a well known figure on that walk. Numerous people would stop to talk to him and comment on his "lovely dog". He will be greatly missed by many people who knew him there as the wee man with the lovely collie. If you ever need to talk to John, just go to Beach Road and sit on his bench. Part of him will always be there, ice cream in hand, dog at his feet, bunnet on his head and remember the words, one Lord, one faith, one team, Celtic!" Perhaps it's not surprising that John's memorial card is a picture of himself and Shep, his final collie dog,!

Many places hold memories of John for his confreres and other friends. As time passed and as suffering slowed him down more and more, he was finding a deeper inner peace. His days were spent adjusting to the big cross of illness that had come into his life. There was often a new smile on his face, even when the one team, Celtic, lost or drew a game! Only the memory of that smile now remains. It's not a bad memory to leave behind! His body now rests in the new Salesian burial plot in Maitland Cemetery, Cape Town. May his noble soul rest in peace.

Fr Michael Connell SOB

Br Christopher Gorton SDB

Br Christopher Gorton SDB


31st January 2009

Brother Chris began his long life in 1908 in Great Harwood, near Blackburn.

Chris joined the scouts when he was old enough, and when he was 19 he took it on his own initiative to leave the scout troupe, in order set up the cubs and be their leader - an early sign of Chris's care for young people.

He had a full, active life, working in the local weaving shed, and with his friend George Halton enjoying the local social life, especially the dances, where Chris cut an elegant figure on the dance-floor, tripping the light fantastic. But for him, as with his friend George, his sights were set elsewhere. When Chris was 24, he applied and was accepted to try his vocation with the Salesians. He made his year of novitiate in Cowley, Oxford, and was professed on the 8th September, Our Lady's Birthday, in 1934. It was the launching pad for 76 years of life as a Salesian of Don Bosco.

For the first few years he alternated between Shrigley and Blaisdon - he was the first Salesian to set foot in Blaisdon - and it soon became clear that Chris had exceptional skill in tailoring. In the war years, and up to 1951 he was in Blaisdon. Then he moved to Battersea, and, with the help of an older, qualified tailor, Brother Anthony Gleeson, he was able to take the City and Guilds qualification in tailoring.

The next 17 years were spent between Battersea and Shrigley, and over those years, together with Brother Anthony Gleeson, he must have made countless cassocks for newly-ordained priests. In the Shrigley years, of course, with its full round of theatrical productions, Brother Chris made costumes for every conceivable period of history and type of culture. You could never ask him for the wrong thing. Chinese, Egyptian, Ancient Roman, Medieval. And all done to perfection. But he wasn't a workaholic: he had time for others, time for his confreres and time for the boys.

Six very different and quite special years followed when Chris was asked to go to Malta to teach tailoring. It may not have been his 'cup of tea' so to speak, but when he had asked to be a Salesian, he wrote: 'I will be prepared to do ANYTHING that my superiors might suggest'. So off he went. He came back to England in 1974, to a more familiar patch in Shrigley, and there he gave his last ten years of well over half a century of active, work with young people. Then came the chance finally to put his feet up in a well­-earned retirement in Bolton, first at Thornleigh, then in the newly-built St Joseph's.

Those of who have known Brother Chris, over many years, have seen him as a man always true to himself: with an enviable balance between a deeply-spiritual life of prayer, and a generous, kindly self-giving for others, especially young people, using his exceptional skills and experience to such good advantage. And all of this coloured by his enjoyment of life, his sense of fun, his infectious laugh, his love of singing and dancing. He lost none of that, even in his years of retirement - his duets with Fr Ainsworth are well remembered.

About three years before he died, Chris entered the 'twilight' period of life. He knew he wasn't quite in command of the situation any more, and sometimes it made him cross with himself. But Sylvia would suggest that they say the Rosary, and this always restored his calm. He moved from St Joseph's to Nazareth House, and finally to the Willows Nursing Home in Salford.

The end came, in a way and at a time that couldn't have planned better. At breakfast on Don Bosco's Day, we had a call to say that he had deteriorated during the night. We went, we said the prayers of commendation, and finally, as we prayed the fifth Glorious mystery of the Rosary, Brother Chris breathed his last.

When he wrote, 76 years ago, and asked to become a Salesian he had said: 'I promise to do my very best to give satisfaction, and become a 100% Salesian.' Who could have given more! Don Bosco must have given him a great welcome.

Fr Tony Bailey SDB

Fr Martin Ryan


12th January 2009


Fr Patrick Fleming


8th December 2008

Br Cornelius McElwee SDB

Br Cornelius McElwee SDB


7th October 2008

Brother Cornelius McElwee, or Neil as he was always known, was born in Strabane, Northern Ireland, on 2nd January 1919. One of nine children, he had a happy childhood. Between 1929 and 1933 he attended Barrack Street Boys School in Strabane. In his reference for Neil, the Principal, Mr Andrew Doherty, wrote that "he was attentive and diligent at his studies, quiet and orderly in class and gave complete satisfaction to his teachers."

Neil travelled to England where he joined the Salesian aspirantate at Shrigley Park in the summer of 1935. He began his novitiate at Beckford in 1938 and took his first vows on 31st August 1939. The document recording his admission to first profession describes Neil as "an exemplary religious who seems to promise satisfactorily as a cook." After his profession he returned to Shrigley Park where he was in charge of the kitchen for the next 10 years. He returned to Ireland in 1960 and for two years worked at the aspirantate at Ballinakill as cook. He spent the year between 1962 and 1963 at Chertsey working as groundsman and driver for the community. After another year working in Ireland he spent the two years between 1964 and 1966 cooking for the community at Bootle and the following two years, 1966 to 1968, at Shrigley where he combined his work in the kitchen with driving and work on the grounds.

Neil travelled to Blaisdon in 1968. He was to spend 26 years there working in the kitchen and driving for the community. He is remembered for his piety and his gentleness. On the closure of the school at Blaisdon in 1994 Neil moved to the provincial house community at Stockport where he did some work and helped with the cooking around the house. In 1998 he retired to the elderly community in Farnborough. On 7th October 2008 Neil passed away peacefully in his chair during his afternoon rest. A loyal and faithful servant returned home to his heavenly Father's house.

May he rest in peace!

Fr Anthony Garman


31st August 2008

Fr Patrick McBride


22nd August 2008
