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In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan… as we shiver into another year, its pages blank and ready to be written, January brings us hope and new beginnings. Perhaps a new book could inspire.


Br Michael Winstanley SDB

Br Michael Winstanley SDB


24th February 2021

Michael came from Atherton, now in Greater Manchester; he was born on 31 May 1939. His parents were George and Clara Winstanley. His mother's maiden name was Sheard, which is the way in which for over 60 years he has been distinguished in our central archives in Rome from his namesake, née Dutton. Michael has an older brother, Fred, who lives in Canada, and a younger sister, Susan who lives in Bolton.

Michael came to Thornleigh Salesian College as a pupil in 1950, and entered the Novitiate in Burwash in 1958, making his first profession in the following September. He then spent four years in Beckford, completing his philosophical and educational studies, and obtaining a London University Batchelor of Science degree. For practical training he went to Shrigley, where he taught mathematics, and made his final vows on 15 August 1965. After two years he moved back to Thornleigh for his final year. Michael was well liked by the Shrigley boys, and a good teacher. His penchant for creativity was seen in his establishing a cycling club – a revolutionary idea and quite a challenge in that terrain!

Theology followed. At that time everyone had to study abroad, and Michael was sent to Messina in Sicily, but after two years he returned to the UK and back to Thornleigh because of ill health. In 1976 he decided to become a coadjutor brother. Michael taught Maths and RE at Thornleigh until 1987, a respected and popular teacher. During those years he obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Education qualification, and in 1981 a Diploma in Religious Education. He was appointed to the Savio House community in 1987, and his presence in the retreat centre community lasted for 32 years. For a while he worked on the retreat team, and then served as community bursar.

At Savio House he developed a great interest in the garden and the spacious grounds, in the local bird life and wild flowers. Savio House was an ideal setting for his interests. Michael involved some local folk, KRIV, in improving our fences and walls and outbuildings. He was well known in the local community. Throughout those Savio years, Michael was a great support and inspiration for the waves of Volunteers who year after year were part of the community and retreat team. He kept in touch with them for years after their time with us. Michael was ever present, a good listener, patient, gentle and kind, always helpful, for some another grandfather figure. He had a mischievous and playful side too. Two things we enjoyed thanks to Michael's creativity and initiative were BBQs on the lawn, and canal barges; he enjoyed the role of ship's captain.

For many years Michael would travel on Saturdays by bus and train to a juvenile prison in Wigan, to spend time supporting the young people there. A good Salesian indeed. Michael was a deeply prayerful man; Jesus was the centre of his life and all his endeavours. In his later years his energy levels waned, and he began to get forgetful, and just after his 80th birthday he came back to Bolton and took up residence in St Joseph's. He settled well, always welcoming us with a smile. It became apparent early this year that he needed more nursing care than we could provide, and he moved to Nazareth House in Prestwich, where he left us for Heaven on 24 February 2021. The Good Shepherd had accompanied him not only in green pastures and beside still waters, but also as he walked through the dark valley of dementia, and now he will be dwelling forever in the Lord's house, his cup overflowing. For as Jesus said at the Last Supper: "In my Father's house there are many dwelling-places; I go and prepare a place for you; and I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am, you may be also." It is with this conviction that we thank God for Michael's presence in our lives and we say a fond farewell.

Fr Michael T Winstanley SDB
