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World Youth Funday - CYMFed Live Stream

World Youth Funday - CYMFed Live Stream

Date: 22nd November 2024 09:30 - 14:30

The theme "Let Your Kingdom Come" resonates deeply with the mission of young people in the Catholic Church today. It is a call to action, inviting them to be active participants in building God's Kingdom here on earth. It challenges them to reflect on how they can embody Christ's love, justice, and peace in their daily lives, and how they can be instruments of God's will in a world that is in dire need of hope and renewal.

We have been particularly inspired by 'We Dare to Say' – a resource produced by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales earlier this year for the Year of Prayer. Cardinal Vincent wrote, "Pope Francis has asked us, as part of our preparation for the Holy Year in 2025, to make this year a time for refreshing our prayer, and especially our appreciation and use of the Our Father." This encouragement has led us to our theme "Let Your Kingdom Come" – where we focus on each line of the Our Father, discerning how we build the Kingdom together.

We hope that through this year's celebrations, young people are invited to deepen their relationship with God, to listen to His voice, and to discern how they can share their faith with others. Prayer becomes the foundation upon which they can build a life dedicated to the service of others, rooted in the love of Christ.

To support schools and parishes in this mission, a variety of resources have been developed. These materials are designed to help young people deepen their understanding of their role in building God's Kingdom, celebrate their unique gifts, and to affirm their vital role in the life of the Church, all centred on the Our Father as our inspiration. Resources are available for schools, parishes, families and individuals – these are all available on the CYMFed World Youth Day website.

On Friday, 22nd November, we will celebrate World Youth FUNday—a lively and collaborative livestream event centred around this year's theme. This exciting day will feature prayer, reflection, inspiration, and uplifting praise and worship, all crafted to engage young people in a joyful expression of their faith. Last year, around 13,000 young people from across England and Wales participated!

To access these resources and register your interest for the livestream, go to: wys.cymfed.org.uk

Tags: CYMFed, Salesian Parishes, Salesian Schools, World Youth Day, World Youth Funday, World Youth Sunday