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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Bosco Volunteer Action


Volunteer with Us

As a BOVA volunteer, you could be working in schools or orphanages passing on vital skills such as Music, Sports, Sciences and English. There are also opportunities to give pastoral care, or just to 'be there' for the children.

You will be paired with a community that needs the skills and experience you have, meaning the work you do will be of vital importance. Whatever skills you have, there will be a Salesian community that needs you! You'll also gain new skills, and have experiences that will help you grow and develop as a person and in your work.


Learning through action; serving the young and the poor alongside Salesian communities around the world.

In all aspects of our work there is a particular focus on providing a well-planned educational experience; stimulating, preparing and encouraging a long term involvement with development issues, faith and the Salesian Family


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What's On

See Calendar

Sean Devereux Children's Fund - Autumn Ball

11th October 2024, 16:00 - 17:00

The Sean Devereux Children's Fund are delighted to announce this year's Autumn Ball will be held on Friday 11th October 2024.Once again our friends at Farnham Castle are generously allowing us to use this fantastic venue.We would love to see as many of you as possible at this event - it was a fantastic night last year.To book your place contact https://events@farnhamcastle.com and then make payment on our website www.seandevereux.org.uk under the heading "merchandise store".

Shrigley Old Boys Reunion September 2024

6th September 2024 - 8th September 2024

We invite you to book for the Shrigley Old Boys Reunion 2024

Details of the Presentations and Meeting Agenda will be advised when confirmed in August.

As there are bar facilities at Shrigley we will not need a 'Drinks fund' but are asking for the £5 voluntary contribution to Savio as they are not charging us for the use of the venue for Sunday Mass and tea/coffee afterwards. Since 2021 we donated £100 to Savio annually

(Please indicate if you are including donation this on the Booking Form)

We have negotiated the best room rates and meal costs at the Hotel. This small increase is understandable as we are living in an ever increasing cost world but the costs are still excellent value for money. Again please book direct see contact details on page 3 of this booking form.

Arrivals can be on Fri evening or Sat morning.

Don Bosco's Birthday

16th August 2024

Today marks the celebration of the 208th Anniversary of the birth of St John Bosco

Feast of Blessed August Czartoyski

2nd August 2024

Today marks the feast day of Blessed August Czartoryski. August was born in exile, in Paris, after his parents were moved to there by Russians.

August suffered with Tuberculosis for most of his life and it was an issue for Don Bosco, as he was cautious about him joining the Salesians. But Pope Leo XIII settled those doubts, and made sure that Don Bosco accepted August into the Society.

August came from a very rich and noble family, and his family, didn't support his decision to join the priesthood. But August was adamant that he would become a priest and renounced everything to the Salesians.

August was ordained a priest on 2 April 1892, but passed away only 1 year later on 8 April 1893. He was 35 years old, and had been a Salesian for 5 years.

The Czartoryski family reconciled with his decision to become a priest following his ordination, and they became benefactors of the Salesian Mission in Great Britain.

Feast of Blessed Mary Romero Meneses

7th July 2024

Maria Romero Meneses was born at Granada di Nicaragua (Central America) on 13 January 1902 into a middle-class family, in which from being a little child she learned a caring sensitivity towards the poor, and in general to other people's sufferings.

At twenty one years of age she made her religious profession in the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. In the name of this her Mother and "her Queen"– as she loved to call the Madonna – she led a tireless apostolic life, creating large-scale social works in Costa Rica, where she was sent after her religious profession.

Her main concerns were for the Christian development and education of girls, women and especially mothers, taking material help and evangelisation to poor families on the outskirts of towns and in the villages, afflicted by economic hardship and moral decadence; she provided literacy programmes and catechism for the poorest ones and a broad religious instruction for everyone. Her ceaseless activities did not prevent her from living prayer moments of deep intimacy and intense adoration and true mystical experience as is clear from her many occasional writings, which are a real "diary of the 'soul'.

When Sister Maria finally decided to take a period of rest, she unexpectedly died and so passed to the rest without end in the "eternal embrace" of her Lord. It was 7 July 1977.

The Holy Father John Paul II beatified her on 14 April 2002.

You can learn more about her life and work here

Perpetual Profession of Aondoaseer Solomon Tivlumun

30th June 2024, 10:30 - 11:30

On Sunday 30th June 2024, Br Aondoaseer Solomon Tivlumun SDB will be making his Perpetual Profession at St James' Church, Chestnut Grove, Bootle, L20 4LX.

Salesian Link will be covering the event with photography of the day, and Live Streaming the service on YouTube. You can follow the stream on the link below:

Perpetual Profession of Br Makuochukwu Malachy Okeke SDB

23rd June 2024, 10:00 - 11:00

On Sunday 23rd June 2024, Br Makuochukwu Malachy Okeke SDB will be making his Perpetual Profession at The Holy Family Church, Spinney Oaks, Ongar Hill, Addlestone, KT15 1BP.

Salesian Link will be covering the event with photography of the day, and Live Streaming the service on YouTube. You can follow the stream on the link below:

Feast of St Joseph Cafasso

23rd June 2024

Joseph Cafasso, a fellow citizen of Don Bosco, was born at Castelnuovo d'Asti on 15 January 1811. After his priestly ordination in 1833, he entered the Ecclesiastical College of Turin where he remained for the rest of his life. He combined the work of the teaching of moral theology and the formation of priests with the ministry of the confessional and the service of pastoral charity to the poor, and particularly to prisoners and those condemned to death. He was of great material and spiritual help to Don Bosco at the beginning of the latter's priestly work, and was his spiritual guide from 1841 to 1860, supporting and defending him by his moral authority. He died on 23 June 1860 at the age of 49. At his funeral Don Bosco described him as a model of priestly life, teacher of the clergy, outstanding counsellor, consoler of the sick, comforter of the dying and friend of everyone. Pius XII declared him a saint on 23 June 1947.

You can read more about the life and work of St Joseph Cafasso here

Feast of Blessed Francis Kesy and 4 companions

12th June 2024

Today is the feast of Blessed Francis Kesy and 4 companion martyrs.

Francis Kesy, Edward Klinik, Jaroqniew Wojciechowski, Czeslaw Józwiak and Edward Kazmierski all attended the Oratory in Poznań.

Because of the invasion of Poland, German soldiers occupied the oratory, and many were arrested under the charge of belonging to an illegal organisation.

They were tried for high treason, and sentenced to death. They were martyred in Dresden on 24th August 1942.

You can read more about the martyrs here

Feast of Blessed Stephen Sándor

8th June 2024

Stephen Sándor was born in Szolnok (Hungary) on 26 October 1914. As a boy he felt drawn by the Salesian charism and in 1940 he made his first religious profession as a Salesian Brother. He was distinguished by commitment to education among young apprentice printers, for his love of the house of God and in the animation of various youth groups. He made his perpetual profession in 1946. With the advent of communism, he chose to remain in Hungary and to devote himself secretly to the education of young people. In 1952, during the persecution, he was arrested and sentenced to death. His faith in God and his love for young people were sealed with his life when he was executed in Budapest on 8 June 1953.

You can read more about the life and work of Blessed Stephen Sándor here