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In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan… as we shiver into another year, its pages blank and ready to be written, January brings us hope and new beginnings. Perhaps a new book could inspire.


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***NEW RELEASE***Call to Courage: The Art of School Chaplaincy

***NEW RELEASE***Call to Courage: The Art of School Chaplaincy

Dr Lily Barry (ed.)


Lily Barry has brought together a selection of insightful explorations of school chaplaincy in Irish schools. With a focus on inclusivity, empathy, accompaniment and deep listening, it portrays chaplains as pivotal figures in educational settings.

Portrait 148 mm x 210mm



ISBN 978-1-916546-18-9

Lily Barry has produced an expansive and wise account on the important role of school chaplaincy. She reflects on the role of school chaplains and the particular gifts they bring to their school as they respond to an increasing diverse school community, while holding firm to the values of meaning, faith and hope. The book is interesting and informative, providing the reader with valuable glimpses into the evolving role of chaplaincy in modern, diverse communities, while also serving. to stimulate and support considerations of chaplaincy in educational settings by stakeholders.

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