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In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan… as we shiver into another year, its pages blank and ready to be written, January brings us hope and new beginnings. Perhaps a new book could inspire.


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Blessed Brother Artemides Zatti

Blessed Brother Artemides Zatti

Brittany Harrison FMA


Part of our Pocketbook Series.

This little book by Brittany Harrison FMA looks at the life of Artemides Zatti SDB, a Salesian brother who spent his life caring for the sick in Argentina.

Paperback portrait 105mm x 148mm



Artemides Zatti was a simple man of humble origin. When he was 17 years old, his poverty-stricken family emigrated from Italy to Argentina, where they attended a parish run by the Salesians of Don Bosco. As a Salesian religious brother, Bl Artemides ran a hospital and pharmacy for the sick poor for over 40 years.

He died in 1951, and was beatified in 2002 by Pope John Paul II.

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Pocketbook, Biography